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Individual Learning Plan VELS Level 4 Student: Patrick Montgomery. Grade: 5 Teacher: Mr. Daidone. Age: 10.

Date: 2nd March 2012

Vision Statement Our hope for the future is that Patrick will be able to live a fulfilling life in adulthood. To be able to do this Patrick will need to develop respect for authority figures and understand that there are consequences for his actions. We would like Patrick to have an active social life. In doing so, we hope Patrick will improve his communication of emotions so he can enjoy lifelong friendships and relationships. Learning Entry Skills Goals/ Specific Strategies Actual Performance Area Objectives English Difficulty Each day Patrick will spend 10 minutes Patrick has developed a greater By the end of the year Speaking constructing reading a non-fiction book about cars. understanding of complex Patrick will have sentences verbally, developed and Patrick will work with a partner to vocabulary 60% of the time. due to limited identify at least two words he doesnt demonstrated knowledge vocabulary. know in the book. about the appropriate Responds in one Once Patrick has identified his words, oral language for or two syllable he needs to verbally request the particular audiences and answers. definition from the teacher. occasions. Teacher models methods to determine By the end of the term the meaning of the words. Patrick will Patrick will endeavour to find the independently be able meanings of the words with minimal to show improvement teacher support. Example, asking peers, in his vocabulary, 60% using a dictionary. of the time. (term 1) Once Patrick finds the meanings of the By the end of the term, words, he will write them down in his Patrick will be able to workbook. verbally form a simple He will then be able to verbally recite sentence using the definition to the teacher. appropriate grammar, When Patrick can recite the words 80% of the time. (term independently he will earn free time to 2) produce his own artwork about the By the end of the term, information that he read.


Trouble remembering number operations.

Patrick will be able to distinguish difference between informal and formal language and appropriate times of use, 60% of the time. (term 3) By the end of the term, Patrick will be able to confidently speak in front of the class, with fluency and expression. (term 4) By the end of the year, Patrick will be able to demonstrate computations using all operations both mentally and graphically.

To assess Patricks achievement towards this first term goal, the teacher will test Patrick with his new words he has discovered by showing he can use them competently in a sentence.

By the end of the term, Patrick will be able to compute two digit addition and subtraction algorithms independently, 80% of the time, using manipulatives. (term 1) By the end of the term, Patrick will be able to compute one digit multiplication

Visual and manipulatives will be easily accessible in the classroom, such as MAB blocks, dice, and 100s charts. As a maths warm up activity, Patrick will spend 10-15 minutes working with a peer of similar ability to play addition and subtraction games, i.e. Race to a hundred by using two dice to model counting on and counting back. Teacher models how to solve addition and subtraction algorithms using manipulatives, i.e. Unifix blocks. Patrick will construct his own addition and subtraction algorithms with manipulatives, using strategies such as counting on, counting back, doubles, near doubles. If Patrick can explain his thought process of the addition and subtraction

Patrick has shown deeper understanding in addition and subtraction using two digit numbers and their relationship to each other 70% of the time.

Interpersonal Development

Does not have positive rapport with peers Patrick tends to isolate himself from others

algorithms independently, 60% of the time, using manipulatives. (term 2) By the end of the term, Patrick will be able to work with manipulatives to solve one digit division algorithms independently, 50% of the time. (term 3) By the end of the term, Patrick will demonstrate considerable understanding of all operations independently, 70% of the time. (term 4) By the end of the year Patrick will be able to initiate, maintain and manage positive social relationships with a diverse range of people in a range of contexts. By the end of term Patrick will be able to say something positive about a fellow class

algorithms, he can then photograph the models and print them using the computer. Patrick can then annotate what both algorithms represent in his work book. If he completes both algorithms, he can use the computer to play maths games. To assess Patricks achievement towards this first term goal, the teacher will measure his level of understanding with his annotations of algorithms.

As a reminder for Patrick, rules and expectations will be displayed around the class. Patrick will be seated next to a student who exhibits positive behaviours, as per teachers designated seating arrangements. Patrick, along with all class members will sign a contract of classroom expectation, with appropriate consequences if expectations are not met.

Patrick has been able to see how everyone in the class can be valued through his active participation in circle time 80% of the time.

member on a weekly basis, 80% of the time (term 1). By the end of term, Patrick will show improvement in his interaction with others during group work, 80% of the time (term 2). By the end of term Patrick will be able to exhibit good behaviours, which includes manners such as raising hand, saying please and thankyou, 90% of the time (term 3). By the end of term, Patrick will socialise with others outside of his friendship group, 80% of the time (term 4).

Each week Patrick will participate in circle time, with teacher initially modelling how to compliment others. To help Patrick to develop positive relationship with peers, every week students will be randomly given a peer. They will have to observe something positive that they do and write it down. During circle time each student will state their positive affirmation about the student they were given. Patricks achievement of this first term goal will be monitored through the teacher observing his daily interactions with peers.

Personal Learning

Patrick has a resigned approach to schoolwork, due to low selfefficacy and esteem

By the end of the year, Patrick will explore the ways in which personal values affect learning and recognise the need to develop ethical

Providing a breakfast club for all students Supplying Patrick with a rest area where he can restore energy levels for effective learning to take place. Using interests to motivate Patrick to

Patrick has shown improvement in his attitude to school life and his attendance has increased accordingly to nearly 80% of the time.

frameworks for operating fairly within the classroom. He will recognise and respect individual differences of class members. By the end of the term, Patrick will improve on his attendance at school, being present at least 70% of the time (term 1). By the end of the term, Patrick will show improvement in his attitude towards his learning, 80% of the time (term 2) By the end of the term, Patrick will participate in at least one extracurricular activity (term 3). By the end of term Patrick will show improvement towards his connectedness and value toward school (term 4).

complete set tasks. Incorporate Patricks interests into core curriculum, to engage him in tasks. Focus tasks particularly on Patricks strengths, to develop esteem and attitude to learning. Patricks efforts will be recognised by teacher and praise will be given accordingly. Patricks achievement of this first term goal will be monitored by observing his attendance rate and level of enthusiasm.

Commentary: When planning this individual learning plan for Patrick, his interests were taken into account to improve his engagement in the curriculum. Patricks interests include; cars, drawing and reading. By incorporating these interests into the individual learning plan, over the year it is hoped he will develop a positive attitude towards his learning. The learning areas chosen were selected to meet the wishes of Patricks parents, as outlined in the vision statement. Through teacher input, Patricks needs were addressed in order to see an improvement in Patrick, in the hope he will work towards the expected level standards. With knowledge of Patricks needs, this allowed teachers to scaffold his learning with strategies to make the curriculum and assessment relevant for him.

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