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Week 7 and 8

Beg 26th August 2013

At Level 4, students read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literary, everyday and media texts in print and in multimodal formats. They analyse these texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text. They describe how texts are constructed for particular purposes, and identify how sociocultural values, attitudes and beliefs are presented in texts. They analyse imagery, characterisation, dialogue, point of view, plot and setting. They use strategies such as reading on, using contextual cues, and drawing on knowledge of text organisation when interpreting texts containing unfamiliar ideas and information.

Learning Goal:

We are learning to infer using evidence from the text I can find synonyms for unknown words I use clues from the text to justify my thinking I extend my thinking by making connections to the text

AUS VELS Literacy Focus

Students compare and analyse information in different texts, explaining literal and implied meaning. They select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it. They listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others ideas.

Success Criteria:

Follow Independent reading routine lesson structure and be aware that these independent activities are examples of what the students can do as an option for responding to text. Also note that sessions can go for more than 1 session. FOCUS QUESTIONS / HOW WILL YOU KNOW THEY CAN?

Session 1
Shared/Modelled Text: Roar lyrics - Katy Perry SKILL: Inferring meaning See learning intentions and success criteria above Introduce the learning intention and success criteria. Use post it notes to make any connections then discuss in buzzing groups what is the main message of the song? Individually students come up with one word to summarize each paragraph. Verbally model a summary of the song beginning with inferring poster sentence starters. Although the author hasnt told me I think that this song is about bullying because it tells the story of a young girl who struggled with being bullied, however through determination she became a fighter and finally felt freedom. Respond in reading journals writing their own summary. Conference groups: share own lyrics. Independent use example from modeled session to show inference of own lyrics. Peer/Self assessment at the end of the lesson using the success criteria. Lyrics to the song Song on you tube

Session 2
Shared/Modelled Text: Lightening Crashes lyrics by LIVE SKILL: Inferring meaning See learning intentions and success criteria above Shared/Modelled Text: Say something video bullying video about bystanders SKILL: Inferring meaning See learning intentions and success criteria above Shared/Modelled Text: Beast Feast SKILL: Inferring meaning See learning intentions and success criteria above While students listen to the song, they read along with the lyrics and write sticky notes about what they are thinking while they listen to and read the lyrics of the song. What connections can they make between the song and other texts/their lives. Discuss why they think some lyrics are repeated why does the author do this? Does the music match the lyrics? Lyrics to the song Song on you tube

Session 3
Make an inference based on the visual pause prior to the girl defending. Why did it mean so much for to stand up for this boy? Write an inference paragraph using evidence from the text to back up meaning. Video on youtube

Session 4
POETRY See website for teacher reference. Use text to model inference. In partners (5 mins): talk with a partner to infer what animal the poem was about. What evidence did you hear in the poem to support your inference? Modelled: Move on to our inferring with poetry page. Model how to use the poem to underline clues and write possible guesses. Provide students with given their own poem to make inferences on their own.

Variety of poems to share Text: Beast Feast

Session 5
Shared/Modelled Text: Picture from the server SKILL: Inferring meaning See learning intentions and success criteria above PICTURES Choose a picture from the server to model drawing inference. Explain that we can infer texts like we infer moving images, real life situations and pictures alike. Model how we focus on inferring emotions and thinking, Whats happening in the picture now? What can we infer about what has happened previous to this? Can you make any connections to this picture? Use post it notes to record thinking. Possible independent task - choose a photo they can use to have a go at modelled task. Picture from the server Post its

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