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SOCI 201/SECTION 0501 Midterm Exam-Wednesday, October 12th The midterm exam will cover chapters 1, 5, 12, 13,

18. Below is a brief guide of some items to study. Midterm Exam Study Guide Chapter 1-The Sociological Approach to Social Problems a. Key terms-social problems, microlevel, macrolevel, social imagination, person-blame approach, system-blame approach b. Are social problems a result of an individual or a social system? c. How many people should suffer for something to be defined as a social problem? d. Discuss the history of the social problems (1800s, 1920s, after the 1920s).

Chapter 5-Demographic Changes in the US-The Browning & Graying of Society a. Key terms-mortality, assimilation, sandwich generation, fertility, immigration b. Name three states in the US with the highest population of immigrants. c. What are the three problems in an aging society? d. Why do people migrate to the US? Consider push and pull factors. Push factors are ones that push people to leave their homes. Pull factors are ones that make people choose one place as opposed to another. Chapter 12-Crime & Justice a. Key terms-crime, traditional street crime, crimes of the moral order, organized crime, white-collar crime, corporate crime b. What 3 entities make up the criminal justice system?

c. Consider criminal behavior. Are all activities that are labeled criminal really wrong from an ethical perspective? Would you steal to feed your children? Should people starve? Where should we draw the line between survival and criminal behavior?

Chapter 13-Drugs a. Key terms-drug, drug abuse, drug addiction, withdrawal b. List and discuss the four categories of long term drinking patterns. c. What are two alcohol related problems? d. Know the four types of drugs, examples of the drug in the categories and the effect it has on the body. Chapter 18-National Security in the 21st Century: The War on Terror a. Key terms-terrorism, Bush Doctrine, Line in the Sand b. Is it possible to win the War on Terror? Why or why not? c. Discuss the negative consequences that the Sept. 11th attacks had on the US. d. What are the top three national security threats?

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