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WRD103 Process Report

Professor Katie Brown

YOUR NAME: Nicole Lopez TITLE OF PAPER: 1. How much time (about) did you spend planning this paper? (Include reading, note-taking, invention, brainstorming, outlining, etc.) Explain what you did. I spent a good weekend planning this paper. I made an outline and noted my thoughts on paper because I had so many for this essay.

2. How much time did you spend drafting? Revising? I did not spend much time drafting. I made two drafts for the essay. I revised the essay three times, including peer editing. 3. What do you believe are the strengths of this paper? On what levels does it work well? I believe my strengths of this paper are my points and that I was not very redundant. It works well to a certain level because its not a perfect essay.

4. What do you think are the weaknesses in the paper? What might you do differently or change in this paper if you had more time? A weakness of this paper is that I could have elaborated more on the issue. If I was given more time, I would definitely elaborate more and go into more detail.

5. What do you want a reader to think or understand after having read this paper? (This should be something he or she didnt already know.)

I want the reader to think about the United States not being so welcoming to those who emigrate to this country.

6. What kind of feedback would you like me to give on your paper? If you ultimately decide to revise this for your portfolio, how can I help? I want detailed feedback. I want to know if I actually made a good point or not.

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