Syn Free Pizza

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Syn Free Pizza

(Serves 4) Green Day

Ingredients:Packet instant mash Fry Light For tomato topping:Large Tin Chopped Tomatoes (with herbs or garlic if you like) 1 Small onion, chopped Pinch of Sweetener Salt and Pepper Toppings:28g per person Cheddar Cheese, grated (Healthy Extra) Add sliced mushrooms, sweetcorn, peppers, onions etc.

Method:Preheat the oven to Gas 6Spray a flat baking tray with Fry Light. Make the mash and spread thinly onto the baking tray and spray again with Fry Light to cover the pizza base. Bake until the base starts to turn brown and crispy this may take a while. Meanwhile make the tomato topping. In a non-stick frying pan add all of the tomato topping ingredients and cook on a fairly high heat. The mixture does need to be fairly thick and the onions must be cooked, Spread this on top of the base. Add your choice of toppings. Spray again with Fry Light and bake for 5-10 minutes until everything has cooked, Sprinkle the cheese on top and bake until the cheese has melted. Serve sliced.

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