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Chapter #13: The Rise of a Mass Democracy Big Picture Themes 1.

. Andrew Jackson felt hed been robbed the presidency in 1824. This motivated the regular folks to political action. He vowed to win for the peoples sake, and did so. 2. A conflict started to brew between the north and the south. The issue was the tariff (import tax) and whether the south had the right to nullify or wipe it out. The trouble was worked out, but it foreshadowed bigger trouble to come, over slavery. 3. Jackson distrusted bankshe thought they were tools for the rich to milk money off the poor. He killed the National Bank and threw the whole banking system into chaos. 4. By the time William Henry Harrison ran for president in 1840, popular, mass politics had grown into the circus-like monster that its known as today. IDENTIFICATIONS: American System System developed by Henry Clay that pulled the country closely together in a federal government. Corrupt Bargain When Henry Clay put his support behind John Quincy Adams and won him the presidency. JQA later put Henry Clay up as Secretary of State. Tariff of Abominations The Tariff of Abominations called for a very high tariff tax which the Southerners loathed. Nullification Nullification allowed states to independently choose whether a bill or law was constitutional so they could decide whether to follow it. Force Bill The Force Bill allowed the president to enforce and collect tariffs by stepping up and using the army or navy. Five Civilized Tribes Tribes that took in white culture but could not be assimilated into the United States. Trail of Tears Where hundreds of thousands of Indians were often forcibly removed to Oklahoma because they had been living on Georgian land. Nicholas Biddle The president of the Bank of the United States until Jackson vetoed the bank recharter. Democrats vs. Whigs

The two-party system during this time. The Democrats lived on with the legacy of Jackson while the Whigs adamantly stood against Jacksonian principles. South Carolina Exposition and Protest Written by John C. Calhoun, this declared that South Carolina could decide whether to nullify the Tariff of Abominations. Martin Van Buren Martin Van Buren was the chosen successor for Jackson. He was the 1836 election as a Democrat. Specie Circular Where one must pay back a debt in hard money. Hayne-Webster Debate Took place between Daniel Webster and Robert Y Hayne deciding whether protectional tariffs were correct for the United States. The Alamo An inspiring battle where 200 Texans all fought without surrendering against 1800 Mexican forces led by Santa Anna. GUIDED READING QUESTIONS: The "Corrupt Bargain or 1824 Know: Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, King Caucus, Corrupt Bargain 1. What was unusual about John Quincy Adams's victory in the presidential election of 1824? John Quincy Adams never won the most popular votes; Andrew Jackson did. Adams would later be helped by Henry Clay to win the presidency in the House of Representatives. King Caucus referred to a process in which Congressmen would informally meet to decide which Presidential candidate they would vote for. John Quincy Adams deal with Henry Clay became known as the Corrupt Bargain by his enemies.

A Yankee Misfit in the White House Know: John Quincy Adams 2. Was John Quincy Adams well suited to be president? Explain.

He was too moralistic, honest, and tactless. Though he was smart he would inherit difficulties during his term and Jackson would later take over.

Going "Whole Hog" for Jackson in 1828 Know: Old Hickory, Mudslinging, Rachel Robards 3. Describe the tone and tactics used in the 1828 election. Old Hickory described how tough Jackson was. Mudslinging was used by both sides of the party to deface the other candidate. Rachel Robards would later die, perhaps after the stress of being accused by the country as an adulterer.

Old Hickory as President Know: Inaugural Brawl, King Mob 4. What was there about Andrew Jackson which made him a man of the people? Jackson was a popular military hero. He was raised from poor standards as he was born in a log cabin somewhere in the Carolinas. During his inauguration he allowed poor people to enter the White House. They promptly trashed it. His enemies denounced him as the leader of the rabble, King Mob.

The Spoils System Know: Spoils System, Rotation in Office 5. Defend Andrew Jackson's use of the Spoils System. Andrew Jackson won the presidency. Even with the use of political supporters he simply rewarded loyalty with higher positions. Now simply new presidents would create a rotation in office.

The Tricky Tariff of Abominations Know: Tariff of Abominations (of 1828), Denmark Vesey 6. What circumstances led to the passage of the Tariff of Abominations? Jackson simply was appealing to some Northerners but didnt expect the bill to pass. However the Tariff of Abominations indeed did pass. In the South Denmark Vesey conspired to lead a large slave rebellion.

"Nullies" in South Carolina Know: Nullies, Henry Clay, Tariff of 1833, Force Bill 5.Describe the nullification crisis. Andrew Jackson planned to fight the Nullies in South Carolina. Henry Clay supported the tariff but called for a compromise to avoid violence. The Tariff of 1833 lowered the tariff 10% through the next decade. However Congress passed the Force Bill which allowed the executive to use the army and navy to collect tariffs.

The Trail of Tears Know: Cherokees, Five Civilized Tribes, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Indian Territory, The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Seminoles 8. What was particularly unfair about the treatment of the Cherokee Tribe? The Cherokees conformed to Western standards though were still treated badly and kicked out. The Five Civilized Tribes described the tribes that settled down and adopted European culture systems. However these tribes were moved to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears because of the Indian Removal Act. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was made to deal with Indian business. The Seminoles were part of the Trail of Tears where people were moved to Indian Territory.

The Bank War Know: Bank of the United States, Nicholas Biddle 9. Do you agree or disagree with Nicholas Biddles nickname, Czar Nicholas I? Explain. Nicholas Biddle was simply a bank owner with a lot of power. He was president of the Bank of the United States and simply fought for survival by calling out the loans form the wildcat banks.

"Old Hickory" Wallops Clay in 1832 Know: Anti-Masonic Party 10. What two things were unique about the election of 1832? The election was the first time two parties, the Anti-Masonic , had candidates. Henry Clay ran for the National Republican nominee.

Burying Biddles Bank Know: Mandate, Pet Banks, Specie Circular 11. "Andrew Jackson's killing of the BUS forced him to issue the Specie Circular." Assess. Andrew Jackson mandated that the BUS should not be rechartered. It was unconstitutional, as he says.

The Birth of the Whigs Know: Democrats, Whigs 12. What is so alluring about being associated with the common man? Being associated with the common man meant being totally supported by the people and guaranteeing a term of two. The Whigs finally won an election by putting up the candidate, William Henry Harrison a war hero after winning at Tippecanoe and Thames.

The Election of 1836 Know: Favorite Son, William Henry Harrison, Martin Van Buren 13. Describe the development of the second party system from 1828-1836. Though the National Republican and Anti-Masonic Parties developed they were all integrated into a more unified anti-Jackson party, the Whigs. In the election of 1836 Martin Van Buren, Jacksons chosen successor, still won the majority vote against the Whigs.

Big Woes for the "Little Magician" Know: Martin Van Buren 14. Why was Martin Van Buren unpopular? Martin Van Buren was an aristocrat. In this era of popular votes and democracy for the common man, this made the president look like a tyrant, supporting only the top of the social class. In truth, Van Buren inherited a financial disaster from Jackson and so many people frowned upon the 1836 President for the hard times.

Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury Know: Panic of 1837, Speculation, Divorce Bill, Independent Treasury 15. What caused the Panic of 1837, and what was done by the president to try and end it? The collapse of two major English banks caused the Panic. Speculation was again a major factor. The Divorce Bill was written and put into effect, splitting the Federal government from the banking system. A new independent treasury, full of hard money, was created for the federal government.

Gone to Texas Know: Stephen Austin, Davy Crockett 16. What made Texas so appealing to Americans? Texas had abundant land and Santa Anna promised that Stephen Austin could settle the land there if 300 families were brought. Davy Crockett was a famous rifleman who fought with the Texans in independence form Mexico.

The Lone Star Rebellion Know: Sam Houston, Santa Anna, Alamo, W. B. Travis, Goliad, Lone Star Republic, San Jacinto 17. How did Texas, a part of Mexico settled by Americans, become independent of both? Sam Houston, commander of the Texans, fought against Santa Anna. In the Alamo, 200 Texans were sieged and slain by 6000 Mexican soldiers. The Goliad was another such loss. The Lone Star Republic stood as a new independent nation. Santa Anna lost at San Jacinto.

Makers of America: Mexican or Texan? Know: Moses Austin, Stephen Austin, Anglos 18. Did Texans ever really intend to become Mexican citizens, or did they feign allegiance to get land? They did not ever plan on becoming Mexican citizens as none of them ever became Mexican, they probably had just planned on feigning allegiance for more land that they could use for slave country. Moses Austin describes how Stephen Austin led 300 families to Texas. The were the Anglos in Mexico.

The Log Cabins and Hard Cider of 1840 Know: Log Cabin, Hard Cider, "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" 19. What does the election of 1840 tell you about politics and voters in America at that time? Only Jackson was a president who had been born in a log cabin. However southerners and westerners symbolized themselves with the log cabin and hard cider, declaring themselves as the common people. Tippecanoe and Tyler Too was a motto for William Henry Harrison, who was depicted as a poor frontiersman.

The Two-Party System 20. Who were the Democrats and what did they believe? The Whigs? The Democrats The Democrats were a party during the 1840s. They were derived from Jackson and so were to represent the common man. The Whigs were mainly Northerners but were simply anyone who was against Jacksons policies.

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