Gor Parks and Sanctuaries Research Activity

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Research Activity

Split class up into groups of 2 or 3 Designate each group a different type of Managed Park or Sanctuary: 1- Point Danger Marine Sanctuary 2- Pt Addis Marine National Park 3- Great Otway National Park 4- Eagle Rock Marine Sanctuary 5- Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary 6- Port Campbell National Park 7- 12 Apostles Marine National Park 8- Merri Marine Sanctuary 9- Discovery Bay Marine National Park Research your particular park/sanctuary and discover as many facts about it as possible (characteristics etc). The aim is for each group to develop a large poster with information about the park/sanctuary Describe the environment of your park, making links to the type of park. Include things such as the types of flora and fauna and the appeal for human use. Next lesson your group will present your poster in a fun and engaging way to the rest of the class.

Types of Parks/Sanctuaries along GOR

ODE Year 10

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