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CUDZINEOY TOMAS DRATVA ° VIK’ oe 4 = SPN SLOVENSI PRDAGOGICKE NAKLADATELSTVC CUDZIMCEOW ~ Ak sa za krathy Gas chcete naucit po slovensky, potom je této kniha uréena prave Vém. ~ Pomocou 15 bohato ilustrovanych lekeii si mozete osvojit vyslovnost, zékladné gramatické javy i slovnd zésobu nevyhnutnd na komunikaciu v beznjch situaciéch. © Uélvo sa podiiva v malfch krokoch, bohato ilustrujucich dany jav: tabufky zhtfajé nové uéivo a upozoriuji na vgnimky a odlinosti. Pre samoukov je tivodna lekcia so zékladnymi hesiami, skratkami a znackami, ako aj obsah celej knihy v anglictine. ~ Vhodnym dopinkom je cviéebnica s 3 audiokazetami, ktoré Vam umoinia individualne pracovat. ~ If you want to master the Slovak language in a short time, this book is exactly what you need! It brings 15 richly illustrated units, which help to manage the biginer’s troubles with pronounciation, basic grammar and vocabulary, necessary for communication in evey-day situations. © The leaning progresses in small steps with a detailed treatment of a given pattern, the acquired language is surveyed in well-defined tables. Exceptions or other uses of the point are explained in a separate section. To help the self-learners, the introductory unit with the basic passwords, common abbreviations and symbols as weil as whole content of the book is also in English. _ As a supplementary material a workbook and 3 cassettes are available for you individual study. ISBN 80-10-00715-3 SLOVENCINA CUDZINCOV PEDAGOGICKE NAKLADATEESTVO UvoD Uéebnica Slovencina pre cudzincov je uréena zahraniénym studentom, ako aj inym zaujemcom 0 slovensky jazyk. Je koneipovana tak, aby gramatické, lexikalne, syntaktické i fonetické javy boli zrozumiteIné 1 nefilolégovi s minimalnou znalostou slovensikych a medzinarodnych (latinskych) gramatickych nazvov, pretoze najmé takémuto adresatovi je uéebnica uréend. Udivo sa podava v malych krokoch, bohato ilustrujtcich dany jav. Jednotlivé javy sa vysvetluji, nacviéujit a automatizujai v malych celkoch s nadvaznymi oralnymi cviceniami, ktore vychadzajit z hovorového jazyka a tvoria male diald- gy. Prehfadné tabulyy napokon zhffajti nové ueivo a samostatné useky strucne upozomnujit na vy- nimky alebo odliSné pouzitie preberancho javu. Poradie a spdsob preberania nevychadza zo slovenske| normativne} gramatiky, ale prihliada na frekventovanost, zlozitost a nérocnost nového javu. Ucebnica obsahuje 15 ucelenych lekeii. V kaze} sa prebera jeden tematicky okrub, Comu zod- poveda slovnd 2Asoba i forma jednotlivych textov - monolég, dialog, opis atd. V textoch sme sa nepridrZiavali len tych javov, ktoré sa uz preberall, ale mnohé javy st anticipované s upozornenim, Ze sa preberu neskor. Nove javy sa pochopiteine nevyskytujit v klacovych poziciach, Na pochopenie textov { gramatiky sitiZia ilustracie a tabulky. Uéebnica vynziva skutocnost, Ze slovenéina ma mimoriadne jednoduchti a pravidelnt fonetickt Strukturu, a preto v podstate nepodava nijaké pravidla vjslovnosti. Ta sa nacviéuje priebezne s pre- beranim textov imitaciou ucitelove) vyslovnosti. Pri absencii ucitela mézu poslizit audionahravky, ttoré st stiGastou uéebnice. Prva lekeia s nazvom Zozndmte sa, to je sloventina je svojou stavbou atypicka. Podiva uceleny obraz 0 novom jazyku a okrem fréz a dialogov zakladnej spolocenskej komunikacie tu ide 0 prvé nendsiiné oboznamovante cudzincov s gramatickou stavbou nového jazyka, s jeho slovnymi druh- mi, zalladnymi paradigmatickymi javmi, so syntaxou, ako aj bezou lexikou. Tieto prvé zakladné znalosti sii na konei lekcie zhrnuté v zavereénom texte Rozhovor. \V snahe ulahcit pracu s uéebnicou aj zaujemcovi, ktory studuje bez uéitela, prinasame na za Gatku hesla. ktoré uvadzaji uéivo, vysvetlenia skratiek a znacick pouzivanych v uéebnici, ako aj nazvy jednotlivych Casti prvej lekcle v anglictine. Verime, Ze tak pomdzeme i samoukom v ich za- Giatkoch. V uéebniei sa nachadza celé zakladné gramatické ucivo (sklonovanic, éasovanie, stupnovanie, naznakovo sa zaobera aj tvorenim slov, slovosledom atd,), Ktoré mé umognit dobra iroven orien- tacie v slovenskom prostredi a ma sucasne tvorit zaklad na dalsiu pracu s jazykom. Sucast uéebnice tvoria dopinkové materidly - cviéebnica a audionahravky. V cviéebnici sa nachédzajti rézne typy eviéeni — oralne, pisomné, doplfiovacic, sclektivne, kreativne atd. ‘Audionahravky sit vhodné na individualnu pracu s materialom pri nacviku vyslovnosti, ale aj na upevriovante gramaticisjch Javov. Obsahujti vSetly tivocine texty lekcii, niektoré dalsie texty a oralne eviéenia z uéebnice a cvigebnice, oznacované piktogramom a éislom cvi¢enia. Koncepcia uéebnice, ako sme spomenuli, umoznuje jej Siroké pouzitie aj pre potreby samoukov, hoct nie je tejto forme prace Specialne uréena. Autori Autori © Tomas Dratva, PhDr. Viktoria Buznova, 1998. Mustrations © akademicky maliar Frantisek Jaksies, akademicka maliarka Eva Kyselicova ‘Texty do anglittiny prelozila PhDr. Beata Baranova Veetky prava vyhradené. Toto dielo ant Ziadnu jeho éast nemodno reprodukovat bez sthlasu majitela prav. ‘Tretle, doplnené vydanie, 2005 Zodpovedna redaktorka Mgr. Daniela Smitkova ‘Technicka redaktorka Lubica Rybanska ‘Yytwarna redaktorka Mgr. Lubica Suchalova, Obailku vyhotovila Marta Pavlikova Vyslo vo wydavatelstve Slovenské pedagogické nakladatelstvo Mlade leta. 8. ro. Sasinkova 5, 815 19 Bratislava \Vyllaéila Slovenska Grafia, a... Bratislava ISBN 80-10-00715-3 = INTRODUCTION ‘The course book Slovak for Foreigners is intended for foreign students as well as others interested in the Slovak language Its concept makes grammatical, lexical, syntactic and phonetic features comprehensible even to non-linguists with minimal knowledge of Slovak and international (Latin) terminology because this book is primarily aimed at these learners. The learning stuff progresses in small steps with detailed treatment of a given pattern. Particular points are explained and thoroughly practised in small seetions followed by oral exercises ~ short dialogues in colloquial language. The acquired language is surveyed in well-defined tables. Exceptions or other uses of the point are explained in a separate section. The progress and treatment of the stuff is determined by their frequency. complexity and difficulty rather than the Slovak normative grammar. ‘The course book is comprised of 15 units, each of them deals with a separate topic. The vocabulary and texts - a monologue. dialogue. description, etc. ~ correspond with the topic. The texts do not only involve already acquired input but also the anticipated one with the remark that it would be dealt with in further units. However, such points do not appear in key positions Illustrations and tables enable better understanding of texts and grammar. The Slovak phonetics is extraordinarily simple and regular, thus the book does not provide pro- nuneiation rules. Pronunciation is continuously practised within the learning process through imitation of the teacher's. Audio recordings are available and might be also helpful for self- learners. Unit 1 Come and Meet, This Is Slovak has a special structure. It presents a general picture of the new language. Through phrases and dialogues introducing simple social communication, the foreign learner quite naturally gets familiar with the structure, word categories, essential paradig- matic points, syntax and common lexis. This basic knowledge is surveyed at the end of the unit in the text Rozhovor ~ Dialogue. In our effort to make the work with this book easy even for a self-leamner, the entries introducing the learning stuff are explained as well as the common abbreviations and symbols. The titles of the first unit's sections are in English, We believe this might also help the self-learners in their initial steps. The course book involves essential grammar (declension, conjugation, adjective comparison, brief word building, word order, etc.). This should enable good orientation in the Slovak environment and also form good fundaments for the further language study. In addition to the course book, there is a workbook and audio recordings. ‘The workbook provides various exercises ~ oral, in writing, filling in, selective, creative, etc. Audio recordings are helpful at self-learning, pronunciation and grammar practice. They inchide all the units’ introductory texts, some further texts and oral exercises from the course book and the workbook marked with a pictogram and the number of the exercise. ‘The concept of the course book, as mentioned above, enables also {ts wide use for self-learners, although it is not specifically aimed at them. Authors

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