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Al-Khwrizm's Zj al-Sindhind[12] (Arabic: " astronomical tables of Sind and Hind") is a work consisting of approximately 37 chapters on calendrical and

d astronomical calculations and 116 tables with calendrical, astronomical and astrological data, as well as a table of sine values. This is the first of many Arabic Zijes based on the Indian astronomical methods known as the sindhind.[24] The work contains tables for the movements of the sun, the moon and the five planets known at the time. This work marked the turning point in Islamic astronomy. Hitherto, Muslim astronomers had adopted a primarily research approach to the field, translating works of others and learning already discovered knowledge. The original Arabic version (written c. 820) is lost, but a version by the Spanish astronomer Maslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti (c. 1000) has survived in a Latin translation, presumably by Adelard of Bath (January 26, 1126).[25] The four surviving manuscripts of the Latin translation are kept at the Bibliothque publique (Chartres), the Bibliothque Mazarine (Paris), the Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid) and the Bodleian Library (Oxford).

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