Budget: by Chrystalla & Craig

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By Chrystalla & Craig

Industry Budget
Our teaser trailer has a low budget of 15.000.
This budget is to cover most aspects of the trailer,

locations, props, costumes,makeup, travel, hair, cameras, editing suit usage, green screen, special effects etc. However our actors will not need a salary as they are performing for free as they are close to the director & producer who are also not taking a salary unless a profit is made.

Amateur Budget
Our real budget however is around 20-30 this

cost only covers the makeup and fake blood used however as there is no need for travel due to the close proximity of the locations it can all be traveled to on foot. The budget also covers any other props like the doll that is being used and any food used on set. The characters we are using do not need a change of costume as they are all acting as school children.

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