Attributes of God 3

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Recapping last lesson

What can you remember about the problems with omniscience and omnipotence try to recap this without using your notes. How good do you think the objections are?

Aims of the lesson

1.Come to a judgment on the questions of omnipotence and omniscience. 2.Examine the problem of omniscience and free will

Blog post
How convincing is the charge that it makes no sense to claim that God is omnipotent?

Writing responses and evaluation:(1) responses

The response should connect very clearly with the criticism, e.g. : respond to a claim reject a definition provide a counter example etc.

Writing responses and evaluation:(1) conclusions

Explain your conclusion, This response, however, fails. Give reasons for your conclusion Explain any implications, So, we can conclude that there is nothing here to uphold the case that the idea of God makes no sense

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