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Recapping the ontological argument

1) What is a premise? 2) What does the term validity mean?

3) What is a reductio ad absurdum?

4) What was Anselms ontological argument?

5) How did Gaunilo object to Anselm? 6) What was Anselms response to Gaunilo? 7) What was Plantingas response to Gaunilo?

Lesson aims 1. To examine Kants objections to the ontological argument. 2. To hand back your essays from last week.

Kants objections to the ontological argument

Existence is not a real predicate.

What is a predicate?
A predicate is one of the two main parts of a sentence, the other being the subject, which the predicate modifies.

In the statement the cat sat on the mat, the cat is the subject and sat on the mat is the predicate, it is what you add to the subject to tell you something about it.

Norman Malcolms dialogue adapted by Michael Palmer

Based on an idea by the philosopher Norman Malcolm Michael Palmer illustrates this point with this dialogue: President: I need a new Secretary of State. Adviser 1: Well, theres Smith, Mr President. He speaks eight languages, is very rich, and thinks youre wonderful. Adviser 2: And then theres Jones, Mr President. He also speaks eight languages, is very rich and thinks youre the best President weve ever had. President: What sensible men! But how can I choose between them? seem identical. They

Adviser 1: Oh, Smiths the better choice, Mr President. He has one quality that Jones lacks.
President: Whats that? Adviser 1: He exists.

The Loch Ness Monster response

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