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ASSESSMENT S: "masakit sa dibdib as verbalized by the patient.

body malaise chest pain non radiating DOB Decreased peripheral pulses Objective: BP 100/60 mmHg , CR- 83/min RR- 18 (- ) Easy fatigability , (-)Orthopnea, (+) exertional dyspnea (+) SOB ambulatory

Acute chest pain related to Mitralvalve prolapse, as Evidenced by patients demonstration of discomfort shortness of breath present

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is also called clickmurmur syndrome, floppy mitral valve syndrome, and Barlow syndrome after the doctor who first described MVP. The mitral valve is one of 4 valves in the heart. It opens and closes to control blood flow between the heart's left atrium and the left ventricle. The mitral valve has 2 flaps, or "leaflets." In mitral valve prolapse, one or both leaflets of the valve are too large, or the chordae

After 30 mins of nursing intervention the client will experience lessened episode of chest pain

- Instruct client toreport anyimprovement/exacerbation in painexperience - Encourageverbalization of feelings about the pain. - Provide comfortmeasures such asuse of incentivespirometry or blow bottles. - Encouragerelatives to perform touchtherapy. - Encourage andassist client to dodeep breathingexercises. -encourage periods of rest and sleep

Unrelieved paincan create other problems such asanger, anxiety,immobility ,respiratory problems, anddelay in healing.( Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7 th ed. by Black, Joyce M.and ane Hokanson Hawks; p. 443) 2. Only the client can judge the level anddistress of pain; pain managementshould be a teamapproach thatincludes the client.Very few people lieabout pain. ( Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7 th ed. by Black, Joyce M.and Jane Hokanson Hawks

After 30 mins of nursing intervention the client will experience lessened episode of chest pain

To providenonpharmacologic pain management. (Nurses Pocket Guide, 9 th ed. by Doenges,Marilynn,, p.368)

tendinea (the strings attached to the underside of the leaflets,

4. The human bodyis believed to haveenergy fields thatexpress aberrantpatterns when bodysystems areinsulted. Therapeutic Touchis thought torealign aberrantfields. ( Medical-Surgical Nursing,7 th ed. by Black, Joyce M. and Jane Hokanson Hawks; p. 480) 5. Deep breathing for relaxation is easyto learn and contributes to painrelief and/or reduction by reducing muscle anxiety 6. to prevent fatigue

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