Science Process Stations

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Station 1: Interpreting a Graph

Learning Target: I can read and interpret a graph. Read the graph, then answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

The bar graph compares the number of students enrolled in classes.

a) What class has the highest enrollment? b) How many students are enrolled in Chemistry? c) How many are enrolled in Anatomy? d. Which course is the least popular?

2. This line graph compares the production of different products in the year 2004.

a) In June, how many Kg of product x were made? b) In June, how many Kg of product z were made? c) In March, how much of product y was made? d) In what month did the production of product z surpass product y? e) Based on the graph in, in the year 2004, which product-x, y, or zwas produced most?

Station 2: Scientific Article

Learning Target: I can read and analyze informational texts. Read the article, and answer the questions to place in your science portfolio.

Men trail women in discerning shades of blue, yellow, and green, a new study says.
Photograph by Pasieka, Science Photo Library/Corbis

James Owen for National Geographic News

Updated 1:11 p.m. ET, September 7, 2012

Men and women really don't see eye to eye, according to a new study. Females are better at discriminating among colors, researchers say, while males excel at tracking fastmoving objects and discerning detail from a distanceevolutionary adaptations possibly linked to our hunter-gatherer past. The study, led by Brooklyn College psychology professor Israel Abramov, put young adults with normal vision through a battery of tests. In color experiments the men and women tended to ascribe different shades to the same objects. The researchers think they know why. "Across most of the visible spectrum males require a slightly longer wavelength than do females in order to experience the same hue," the team concludes in the latest issue of the journal Biology of Sex Differences. Since longer wavelengths are associated with "warmer" colors, an orange, for example, may appear redder to a man than to a woman. Likewise, the grass is almost always greener to women than to men, to whom verdant objects appear a bit yellower. The study also found that men are less adept at distinguishing among shades in the center of the color spectrum: blues, greens, and yellows. Where the men shone was in detecting quick-changing details from afar, particularly by better tracking the thinner, faster-flashing bars within a bank of blinking lights.

The team puts this advantage down to neuron development in the visual cortex, which is boosted by masculine hormones. Since males are flush with testosterone, in particular, they're born with 25 percent more neurons in this brain region than females, the team noted.

Evolution at Work? The vision findings support the so-called hunter-gatherer hypothesis, which argues that the sexes evolved distinct psychological abilities to fit their prehistoric roles, the team says Noting that men in the study showed "significantly greater sensitivity for fine detail and for rapidly moving stimuli," the researchers write that their hunter forebears "would have to detect possible predators or prey from afar and also identify and categorize these objects more easily." Meanwhile, the vision of female "gatherers" may have become better adapted recognizing close-at-hand, static objects such as wild berries. John Barbur, professor of optics and visual science at City University London, noted that females are often "worse off in terms of absolute chromatic [color] sensitivity than males." But when it comes to noticing subtle differences among shades of a color, women do tend to come out on top, as they did in Abramov's experiments, said Barbur, who wasn't part of the new study. "If you're not dealing with the absolute sensitivity for color detection but the way in which colors are judged such as the ability to describe a color, or what that color means, and so on," he said, "I'd say that females are definitely much better than males.

QUESTIONS: Answer in a complete sentences. 1. Who is the author of this article? 2. What is the title of the article? 3. In what publication can this article be found? 4. What are females better at, according to the article? 5. What does the article say males excel at? 6. What is the main idea of this article? 7. Write a Twitter summary (A tweet is 140 characters or less) of this article.

Station 3: Caption the picture

Learning Target: I can infer what is happening in a scientific situation.

Directions: Look at the picture below. Write a caption for the picture. What is happening? What parts of the scientific method are being used? What do you think they are investigating?

Station 4: Construct a graph

Learning Target: I can construct a graph from given data. Directions: Look at the data below and construct a bar graph AND a pie chart to place in your portfolio.

Local Health Departments with Leading Teenage Chlamydia Cases Michigan Residents, 2011

Cases Percent Local Health Department Reported Distribution in 2011 2011 Michigan Total City of Detroit Wayne County Oakland County Kent County Genesee County Macomb County Ingham County Kalamazoo County Saginaw County Washtenaw County 50,063 16,264 3,924 3,691 3,615 3,192 1,960 1,915 1,759 1,558 1,392 100.0 32.5 7.8 7.4 7.2 6.4 3.9 3.8 3.5 3.1 2.8

Station 5: Famous Scientist Wanted Mini-Poster

Learning Target: I can describe the work of a famous scientist.
For this station, you will work with a PARTNER to create a wanted style poster of a famous scientist or group of scientists. For example, you could do Watson and Crick: Wanted for Discovering DNA. Your poster will be on a long sheet of copy paper, and should include: Name of scientist Picture Birth and death dates Other important dates Nationality Field of science (what kind of scientist?) Contributions to science/discoveries (this should be the longest section)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Take some notes about your scientist to put in your portfolio. Make a rough draft outline of your poster Conference with Mr. Gabrys Make your final draft!

A FEW SCIENTISTS YOU CAN USE (you can also pick your own and get it approved!): Watson and Crick Rosalind Franklin Charles Darwin Albert Einstein Dr. Daniel Hale Williams Isaac Newton George Washington Carver Neil deGrasse Tyson Hildrus Poindexter Alice Ball Lloyd Noel Ferguson Charles Henry Turner Roger Arliner Young

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