October Newsletter

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Mrs. Punjw ani Mrs. Li yanage Miss Pero Mrs. Al y

Language Arts
In Language Arts this term, students have been exploring a number of important concepts. There has been an emphasis placed on punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure to better develop students writing skills. There is and will continue to be throughout the year a strong focus on reading. In particular, we have implemented the Daily 5 structure, which includes the following: read to self, read to someone, and listen to reading, work on writing and word work. This structure will be practiced in class on a regular basis, which will not only allow students to build reading independence, but will also help develop reading comprehension/fluency and vocabulary. Home reading is an important way to build upon these learned skills.. Please take the time to read at least 15 minutes each night. A great way to build comprehension is to ask your child questions about what they are reading!

This year we are using the Jump Math Program. This program is very interactive and there is a lot of guided practice. Moreover, the program relies a great deal on brain plasticity and student engagement to foster success in Mathematics. The central focus for this term is developing number sense to numbers 0 to 20, as well as adding and subtracting numbers to 20. Students have been exploring various mental math strategies such as making ten, doubles, counting on, using a place value-mat etc that has helped them explore the relationship between numbers. We encourage you to practice these strategies which your child on a daily basis, and ask them to talk their way through a problem. When they do this, they learn to communicate about the strategy that they are using, and they can often see where they make errors, which will help them take accountability for their own learning. We also encourage you to relate math concepts/strategies to real-life contexts, so your child will understand how they can use their learning to help them in various situations (e.g. the grocery store). The students are very excited about participating in the Mathletics Program. This wonderful program is extremely interactive and helps students develop a greater confidence in their mathematical ability.

CIS Grade 2 newsletter October 2013

This term students have been exploring the liquids. We began with the understanding of matter and its three states. Students have been inquiring about the different properties of liquid, importance of water to living and nonliving things, liquid flow, interactions with other liquids and interactions with solid materials. They will also be comparing water with one or more other liquids. They have been analyzing the water cycle and thereby learning the terms evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Students have been engaging in various science experiments and connecting their learnings with day-to-day lives.

Upcoming Events
Thursday, October 24 - Picture Day Friday, October 25- Interim Report Cards Tuesday, October 29 Grade 1 Hot lunch Monthly Assembly Wednesday, October 30- Grade 1 bake Sale

Social Studies

Bundle up in your favourite parkas, as we get ready to explore the cold, snowy region of northern Canada. With focus on Iqaluit, Nunavut, students will go on a journey to discover how Inuit people embraced the cold and harsh environment. Students will learn about the wildlife and the different resources available in this region. We will be working on many inquiry-based projects to help the students develop an understanding and appreciation for past and present of Canadas north and compare it to our community here in Calgary.

Students must have indoor shoes. Please dress up for the weather. Students will go outside as long as the temperature is above -20. Girls must have a hijab to wear for prayer. Read and practice on mathletics everyday.

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