Editorial Process Report

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WRD103 Process Report

Professor Katie Brown

YOUR NAME: Natalie Green TITLE OF PAPER: English an Official Language? 1. How much time (about) did you spend planning this paper? (Include reading, note-taking, invention, brainstorming, outlining, etc.) Explain what you did. I spent about two and a half hours planning this paper. I read and took notes for about one hour and then outlined for one and a half hours. 2. How much time did you spend drafting? Revising? I spent about thirty minutes drafting and forty-five minutes revising. 3. What do you believe are the strengths of this paper? On what levels does it work well? I believe the opening is the strength and then some supporting details. It works well at catching the readers attention and making them want to read more into it. 4. What do you think are the weaknesses in the paper? What might you do differently or change in this paper if you had more time? It is a little unorganized and I would change the organization I just couldnt figure out which way sounded well. 5. What do you want a reader to think or understand after having read this paper? (This should be something he or she didnt already know.) I want the reader to think that English should be the official language of the United States and that declaring it an official language will not ban other languages it will just change the way the government works. 6. What kind of feedback would you like me to give on your paper? If you ultimately decide to revise this for your portfolio, how can I help? I would like feedback on organization and structure as well as conclusion. It would help to know which points are strong and valid and which ones do not add to the argument and should be deleted.

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