Rodriguez tf2 Rules

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Zane Rodriguez GAT 211 A

Team Fortress 2 Conversion

Summary: Team Fortress 2 the board game is an action packed 1v1 strategy game where you pit 9 units vs 9 units in an intense battle to see who can capture the enemies intelligence first or to see who can capture the enemies base. Goal: Capture the Intelligence Break into the enemy base take the intelligence and bring it back to your intelligence. First to three captures wins. Control point Capture every point on the way to the enemies base until you control all points. Requirements: 2 Players A scrap of paper and pencil Comes With: 1 Board 1 d20 9 red units(one of each type) 9 blue units(one of each type) 2 sticky bomb pieces 4 red capture pegs, 4 blue capture pegs Setup: Place the board out on a flat surface with enough space to place things on the edge of the board. Each player chooses a color(blue or red) then places all of his units in the corresponding spawn in any formation. Then each player grabs the cards representing each of his units. Both players roll the d20 and the player with the higher number goes first. If playing Capture the Intelligence, each player puts their intelligence onto there intelligence tile. If playing Control Points place a control token on the control point closest to your spawn(either control point 1 or 4). Turns: In a single turn you may move and act once with each unit. Once he has moved and acted with each unit his turn is over and the other players turn begins. Movement: All units can move a number of spaces equal to their movement stat. Actions: An action consists of using a piece of equipment you have on the current unit. A piece of equipment may have more than one action available.

Re-spawning: Units may spawn in their spawn room whenever the spawn token reaches the re-spawn tile. On the side of the board there is a re-spawn track, start the spawn token on the start tile of the track. When it reaches the re-spawn tile, units spawn and the token is moved to the start space. The spawn token moves one space every player turn. Capturing: Capture the intelligence You may not be stealthed while carrying the intelligence. You may not score while the enemy has your intelligence. If you die with the intelligence it drops on the tile you died, it returns the the base it came from if no one picks it up for 4 player turns. Control Point Have 3 units end their turns on a control point to capture it. This may apply over multiple turns, but if an enemy ends his turn on the control point, or if you end a turn with no units on it, you must restart the capture. You may only capture control points adjacent from ones you control. For example, if you own control point 3 you may capture control point 4 or 2 (depending on which side of the board you spawn). You may not capture points you already control. To signify you control a point place a red or blue peg on the point. Equipment Attack Ranges: Range is marked as a single number, signifying how far the piece of equipment can shoot accurately. You may shoot farther than your range, but the farther away the higher chance you are to miss. You may not shoot through walls or obstacles. To determine if you hit a unit or not you count how many spaces away they are and if its under your range you hit. If its not then you must roll a d20 to determine if you hit. For every square farther than your range you must get roll of +2 for every square past your range. Example: if you want to shoot a unit 6 spaces away, but your range is 3, you must make a roll on a d20 of 6 or higher. You may shoot through allies but not enemies. Tile rules: Regular tile: standard white tile Object tile: impassible tile Walls: impassable lines on the sides of tiles Ledges: Tile marked with an arrow on each of the sides that is a ledge. You may not shoot past a ledge unless you are standing on the ledge tile. You may not walk through the a ledge tile unless you go over in the direction of an arrow. Spawn Tile: A tile that fully heals you if you walk on it, The door to the spawn tiles may only be opened by units on the same team as the spawn tile. Units: Every unit will have his stats marked on his card but you may also see them on this rule sheet as well as in depth information on each piece of equipments available actions. Scout:

Movement: 9 Health: 13 Counts as 2 units when capturing a point Can jump over object tiles 1 tile at a time When an enemy shoots at you or your tile you may roll a d20 to try to move 1 tile to avoid the shot, roll a 17 or higher to successfully dodge to an adjacent tile otherwise stay where you are Equipment: Scattergun Damage: 11 Range: 2 Soldier:

Movement:4 Health: 20 Equipment: Rocket Launcher Damage: 11 Range: 3 Deals 5 damage to tiles adjacent to the tile hit May spend 4 health to rocket jump up onto a ledge Pyro:

Movement: 6 Health: 18 Equipment: Flamethrower Damage:13 Hits tiles horizontally in a row in the chosen direction from the pyro

Reveals spy's if hit Targets hit by flamethrower take 2 burn damage at the end of their next 2 turns unless put out

You may use your action to put out a teammate that is on fire


Movement: 5 Health: 18 Equipment: Grenade Launcher Damage: 9 Range: 3 If shot misses it deals 4 damage to the tile behind the aimed tile May shoot over ledges as if they were not there Sticky Jump: Pay 4 health to launch yourself up a ledge Sticky Bomb Launcher Damage: 35 Range: 3 May be detonated at any time after the turn it was placed by Demoman, may only sticky bomb 1 area at a time, mark them with a sticky bomb piece (small colored peg). If the Demoman dies remove his sticky bomb piece. Heavy:

Movement: 3 Health: 30 Equipment: Minigun Damage: 20 Range: 1 Must use an action to spin up minigun, once minigun is spinning speed is decreased by 2 no cost to stop spinning Engineer:

Movement: 6 Health: 13 Equipment: Shotgun Damage: 9

Range: 2 Wrench Damage: 7 May only hit units in adjacent tiles May spend 5 metal heal a construction by 5 health hitting it May spend 10 metal to upgrade a constructions(takes 2 upgrades to level) May destroy a sapper on a construction by hitting it 2 times Build Tool May be used to create constructions 20 starting metal Max Metal 20 May get 20 metal by visiting spawn Turret: Attacks at the start of each player turn. Cost: 13 Metal Health: 15 Range: 6 Damage: 6 Cannot shoot past range Level adds 3 Health and 6 Damage Max level of 3 Dispenser: Cost: 10 Metal Health: 15 Heals all friendly units on adjacent squares by 2 health points Level adds 3 Health and 1 healing points Max level of 3 Teleporter Entrance: Cost: 13 Metal Health: 15 If a unit ends its turn on the teleporter 2 consecutive times it is teleported to the Teleporter Exit(if it exists) Level adds 3 Health and decreases turns needed to teleport by 1, if a teleporter requires 0 turns to use you may continue walking after teleporting Levels with Exit If exit is destroyed so is entrance Max level of 3 Teleporter Exit: Cost: 13 Metal Health: 13 Level adds 3 Health receives teleports If entrance is destroyed so is exit Levels with Entrance Max level of 3 Medic:

Movement: 7 Health: 15 Equipment: Syringe Gun Damage: 1 Shoots 4 times per action (must roll for each) Range: 3 Heals 1 Health on hit Medigun May heal a friendly unit 4 health as long as its within 3 tiles of the medic Generates %10 ubercharge per turn a unit was healed Upon %100 ubercharge may turn yourself and the target your healing invulnerable for 3 turns(may not change targets) If the unit your ubercharging goes farther than 3 tiles away he loses invulnerability Sniper:

Movement: 6 Health: 13 Equipment: Sniper Rifle Damage: 5 Range: 2 May zoom in to increase range to 7 movement is reduced to 1 while scoped and you may not shoot someone within 4 tiles Every turn you stay scoped without shooting increases damage by 3 to a max of 15 total damage Every time you attack within range you may roll a d20 and if you get a 17 or above you insta-kill the target Spy:

Movement: 6 Health:13 Equipment: Knife Damage: 7

Can only hit units in adjacent tiles Can insta-kill a unit from stealth if he ends 1 turn standing in the same tile before attacking Electro Sapper Damage per turn: 5 Can only be placed on enemy constructions Only one sapper per construction Disables construction while attached to it Can be used without breaking stealth Invisibility Watch Use to remove the spy piece from play Keep track of the spys position on a scratch piece of paper Doing an action puts the spy back into play after 4 turns of being invisible the spy returns to the board Credits: C) Valve Corporation, all rights reserved. Team Fortress, the Team Fortress logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation. All other content (C)2011 DigiPen (USA) Corporation, all rights reserved.

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