Essay Writing Powerpoint

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Reminders About Introductions Guidelines for Body Paragraphs & Conclusions

Funnel-shaped because the it moves from the general to the specific.

begin with a hook, a quote, anecdote, fact, statistic-BIG IDEAS.

connected to the central, specific idea of your entire essay, expressed in its thesis statement

provide contextinclude author, title, main characters & details to connect to thesis.

End with thesis.

Always a statement. Never a question. Can be proven. Not an observation of the obvious or a statement of fact. Must pass the "so what?" test.

Support the thesis. Begin with main idea. Provide supporting details and examples/explanations. Sentences connect- ideas logically fit together. End with concluding sentence-bridging from one paragraph to the next.

Revisit the thesis connect to larger concepts in the text or universal ideas.

Do more than simply restate the thesis--revisit

the idea expressed in the thesis while connecting it to a bigger , or more general, idea.

If your thesis statement on an essay about Kate Chopins Ripe Figs was:

Babettes emotions are reflected through natural imagery, while the limitations imposed upon her by Maman-Nanain and her age are symbolized by the seasons.
Then.. simply cannot write this in your conclusion:

Consequently, Babettes emotions are seen in the natural imagery, and her limitations are symbolized by the seasons.
Here, youve restated the obvious!

Instead, you want to revisit the thesis while connecting it to a bigger idea.

Babette and Maman-Nanaine s world is not directed by artificial values, rather they are both closely connected to lifes natural rhythms, shaped by the wisdom and the pace of the seasons. In this way, a little girl wont grow up too soon, and she will develop in the most favorable environment .

Synthesize the arguments, dont summarize them. Dont repeat the details of your body paragraphs in your conclusion. The reader has already read your essay, and its not so long that theyve forgotten all your points by now.

Revisit the So what? question. In your introduction, you made a case for why your topic and position are important. End your essay the same way. What do your readers know now that they didnt know before? How will that knowledge help them better appreciate or understand the work overall?

Move from the specific to the general. Most often your essay has discussed a very specific element of the worka single character, a small set of images, or a particular passage. In your conclusion, try to show how this narrow discussion has wider meaning for the work overall.

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