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Pop Arts History

Pop art is one of the major art movements of the Twentieth

Century. Pop art was an artistic movement that emerged in the
early 1950s in Britain and at the same time in the late 1950s in
the United States.

Pop art can be characterized by themes and techniques drained

from popular mass culture, such as advertising and comic books.

Like pop music, pop art also aimed to utilize images of popular
culture in art. It emphasizes on the predictable or attractive
elements of any given culture. Pop art at a time embattled a
broad audience, and often it claimed to do so. However, much of
pop art is considered very educational, as it is very easy to

Pop Art Today

Today, Pop Art is still very popular, with old originals selling for
thousands of pounds to mass-produced copies of the original
selling in its thousands for little money. Pop art has become
completely impossible to ignore, it’s everywhere you go, in
everyday life, and is still used for advertising, which is how it
begun back in the 1950’s.

Roy Lichtenstein
Born in New York, Roy Lichtenstein studied at the Art Student’s
League and then the Ohio State University. From 1943 to 1946,
he taught at the latter and then moved on to teach at New York
State and Rutgers Universities. In 1949, Lichtenstein began
exhibited his early work, which had strong influences of both
Cubism and Abstract Expressionism. After meeting Allan Kaprow
at Rutgers, he became interested in consumerism and American
culture and spurred the development of the Pop Art movement.

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