My Speech

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Name : Yoel septian ady Class : X-4

Good morning friends, Good morning also for the Judges whom I respected, I thank you for the chance, time, and attention that has been given to me and I also say thanks to God for His blessing. For what we are now. We can meet here in the blessing day. Today I wanna talk about our Beloved city named lovely Medan, the tittle is about Medan into a most developing Metropolic City such as international air port in kuala namo has been one of the example of developing progress thats been made by the government of Medan. But going to be a developing metropolic city seems to be slow. Why? Because of corruption , corruption is a worst habbit which make our city very slow to grow. Ladies and Gentlement, corruption is a wors virus, it can destroy every part of life department which support city to grow like department of education, sport even religion department also has been troubled by the most danger virus corruption has been making the city can not grow. Well, I want to say that this isnt only the task of KPK, whats been made our mind for so long. Corruption issue is also our duty to eliminate by starting our selves especially We, as young generation whom going to lead the city next time. Let us prepare our selves to be person who lave and care for changing our mind set, changing our character and motivation in doing things. Let it be motivated by the love city not to built our own wealth. We as young generation got to be able to make the bame of our city well known and it is not impossible for our cit which have the 5th biggest population in Indonesia. Medan anniversary is coming 1st july 2011 we hope that will be a new retoration in every part of department. Finally we got to fight the corruption and also pray God give the wisdom for the governmenr to lead this city. Well I thank you for all of you and for those words that may be hurt. Please apologize me.for attention I say thank you.

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