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Nanoscience PHYS 453/553 Homework 2 Due 02/15/2011 Problem 1:Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron under an acceleration voltage

of 150V. Problem 2: A conventional AFM cantilever has a resonance frequency of 60kHz, spring constant k=1N/m, mass of 20ng and length of 80 micrometers. Calculate the mass sensitivity of the cantilever (m/f). What is the smallest molecule that can be detected by this cantilever if frequency resolution is 0.1Hz? Problem 3: Calculate numerically the tunneling conductance spectra
dI (V ) dV

for a tunneling between a superconductor and a normal metal electrode. The energy gap of the superconductor is (0)=1 meV and it follows conventional BCS temperature dependence. Calculate the tunneling spectra from -10 to 10mV at T=0.1K, 1K, 5K, 10K. (Hint: the critical temperature of the BSC superconductor can be obtained from the BCS expression
2 = 3.5 ). kTc

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