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Name: Lisa Heine

Criterion D: Social skills and personal engagement Class: 9.3 Date: 19th October 2013

Social skills and personal engagement: Criterion D Communication Respect Responsibility Reflect Attitude Being prepared (PE uniform) Total

Always 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 7/8

Often 1 1 1 1 1 0

Occasionally 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Almost never 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

Never 0 0 0 0 0

My progress during this semester is: This semester was really fun, which made it easy to engage in what we were doing. I tried my hardest every time, especially on the cooper test, which was most challenging for me. During the group work I usually took on the lead and explained to my group members what we had to do. I was also fair, giving every person on the team a chance to participate. (In the ball game we switched positions so that everyone had the chance to attack the goal.) I was alright with my results from the running tests and I tried my best at soccer, although it just isnt my sport and it is quite challenging. My target (s) for the next semester are/is: 1. Continue to always remember my P.E clothes 2. Reflect more on the tests we take and think of how I can improve. (Start at faster pace, drink less water so that I dont get cramps, breath through my mouth and out through my nose, speed up towards the end as I still have energy etc.) 3. Set goals. When we are taking physical tests or play games set goals for what you want to achieve and strive to do so. (If I set a goal for the cooper test for example I can target on how to save my energy and how fast I have to run) 4. When we partner up try to mix it about and not only stick with one person all the time. That way I can work better with everyone. 5. Push myself. When we are doing test I will try my best to get higher scores and be content with myself.

Grade 9, Physical Education. International School of Dusseldorf.

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