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Master of Management Program Universitas Gadjah Mada , Jakarta

Facilitator: Ardimas Sasdi, MSi

You-Attitude -- Model
The following is a model of a rejection letter written with You-Attitude approach. THE SCENARIO, A long time client wants to borrow some money from your bank (Wells Fargo Bank), but as his request is in contrary to your bank lending policy you have no option but to reject his application. Here is the strategy that might work to allow you to keep this loyal client even though you have to disappoint him by not giving him a loan.

Strategy one (1)

1. Express regret in sincere manner.

Wrong: We cannot approve your application for a business loan. Right: On behalf of the Wells Fargo Bank, I regret to inform you that we cannot honor your request for a business loan at this time.

Strategy two (2)

2. Another way to maintain goodwill is by

giving a reason for the bad news. A reasonable explanation can neutralize negative feelings. Recognizing positive things about the recipient can do the same. e.g. Like other lending institutions, our banks cannot make loans even to customers with excellent credit ratings, such as you if total monthly payments exceed a certain percentage of gross monthly income.

Strategy three (3)

3. Finally, keep the door open. In some cases, bad news may not be final. e.g. Naturally, our lending committee would be glad to reconsider your loan request if something in your financial situation should change

Strategy four (4)

After you have delivered the messages, write a closing statement that either wraps it up or indicates the response you expect from the reader. Example: 1. Please contact me directly if I can be of further assistance. 2. We look forward to your decision.

Rejection Letter
On behalf of the Wells Fargo, we regret to inform you that we cannot honor your request for a business loan at this time. Like other lending institutions, our banks cannot make loans even to customers with excellent credit ratings, such as you if total monthly payments exceed a certain percentage of gross monthly income. (reason) Naturally, our lending committee would be glad to reconsider your loan request if something in your financial situation should change(keep the door open) We look forward to your decision (close).

Best regards,

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