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The Hormone System (Endocrine) -Produced to help maintain Homeostasis -Produced by endocrine glands and spread via the

bloodstream. -Negative Feedback system (Nerve and Hormone) restores balance. -All systems participate except reproductive. CNS- Brain and Spinal Cord- Sensory neurons send from receptors to CNS PNS- Periphal NS- Motor Neurons send from CNS to effectors. - Sensory Neurons connect effectors and receptors. -In people: Pituitary- Growth Hormones- Many Activities -In Plants: Auxin- Moves the plant away from light. Negative Tropism. Hormones last a long time and move slowly compared to nervous impulses.

Nerve System -Nerve Cells AKA Neurons.

Homeostasis -Relatively stable internal environment. -Average body Temperature is 37C - Hypothalamus detects heat change. -As the body mass of a mammal gets larger, the rate of heat production per unit gets smaller. - Transpiration- From roots, through stem and then to the leaves makes transpiration steam. -Most water lost through stomata, less from cuticle. -Sunken Stomata-Fig- Sunk into pits. Air pocket beside each one to prevent water getting out.

The Counter current system -Smaller/few appendages means less SA=less heat loss -Hot blood warms cold blood on the way back to the body to prevent cooling internal organs. Cold blood cools warm blood on the way up to prevent heat loss. Tropisms -The Growth of a plant in response to a stimulus. E.g. water/light. Positive-Towards/Negative-Away. Thigmotropism-Change in growth in response to contact with another object.

Geotropism- Change in response to gravity. Phototropism- Change in response to light. -Expoparasites- Live outside, Endoparasites- Live inside.

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