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Vladimir Terziski. M.S.E.E., President. 13002 San Vicente Blvd. Brentwood, CA 90049, USA. office & fax: 310-458-4838


OVERVIEW OF 130 YEARS OF EXPERIMENTS BY PRIVATELY FUNDED SECRET R&D PROGRAMS, FROM RARE PUBLIC DOMAIN LITERATURE. DEMONSTRATION OF SEVERAL "CLASSIC" EXPERIMENTS OF ANTIGRAVITY. I. ABSTRACT: Antigravity is extremely easy to produce without any "alien", E.T. or Sci-Fi hardware: simple rotation along a vertical axis decreases the weight of any and every spinning body, and to use the folk wisdom: "If you spin 'the hell out of it', it will lift off and fly away". Antigravity as a physical variable is proportional to the rotational inertial momentum of the spinning body and to the angular velocity (in simpler terms - to the mass and to the rpms). This paper has been presented at my June 1994 lecture tour of Russian conferences, research institutes and aerospace establishments, at my Nov. 1993 lecture tour of Japanese Universities, at the January 1993 London Wembley Arena Conference, and at numerous conferences, symposiums and publications in the United States in the last 3 years. II. EXPERIMENTS WITH ANTIGRAVITY. 1. Demonstration of Prof. Laithwaite's experiment (London Imperial College, 1960's) of weight reduction in a dual-rotating 20 kg metal disc (car engine's finely balanced flywheel), spinning simultaneously at 5.000 rpms along a horizontal axis (driven by an angle-grinder), and at 30 rpms along a vertical axis (driven by the hand of the experimenter, who turns around in place, holding the shaft of the flywheel horizontally like a tennis racket), achieving a weight reduction of 10 - 15 kgs. 2. Sandy Kidd's experiment of 2 "baby" gyros (a 2 disk apparatus, that is a conglomeration of 2 Laithwaite's devices), counterrotating along a horizontal axis and simultaneously spinning that axis along a vertical one - a video clip from Dundee TV, Scotland, and Discovery Channel, USA. 3. Demonstration of a ... 'Toys-R-Us' (Children's toy store chain in the U.S.) gyroscoping styrofoam toy saucer, driven by an airplane micro model engine and flying under the action of the combined lifts: 1. of the ducted fan helicopter propeller aerodynamic lift and 2. the gyroscoping antigravity lift of the counter-rotating styrofoam body of the toy model (or a video clip of a demo flight). 4. Demonstration of a US Patent: a modelrocket-engine powered frisbee, climbing upwards along a vertical axis/shaft under the action of gyroscopic antigravity (or a video clip of same).

5. Documentary evidence from the mass media and NASA's own propaganda photo department of the Apollo astronauts landing on the Moon not with rocket engine trust, but with comouflaged antigravity drives: the lack of an ablasion crater under the Lunar Landing module's enormous 2.3 m nozzle diameter descent rocket engine, where the edge of its nozzle just after landing is barely 30 cms above the unperturbed dust cover of the lunar surface, LIFE magazine, June 1969. 6. Video-clip from the still banned in the United States docu-drama film by the BBC: "Alternative-3", showing the approach and landing footage of a secret antigravity device landing on Mars on May 22, 1962, and producing in a similar (to the Apollo's Lunar landing) fashion no dust during touch down. III. CLASSIFICATION OF GYROSCOPIC ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION DRIVES. 1. Anomalous phenomena in free falling non-rotating (at the start) bodies. 1.1. Falling magnetic plate experiments of Don Kelly, Clearwater, Florida - a documentary video clip. Achieved up to 15% difference in the times of falling for magnetized and non-magnetized flat plates. 1.2. Ball dropping experiments of Lloyd Zerbis - balls made out of different material fall with up to 30% difference timewise - a documentary video clip.

2. Gravity defying properties of gyroscoping rotation of solid bodies. 2.1. Gyroscoping of solid bodies along a vertical axis (a simple one-axis forced rotation). a. Hayasaka and Takeuchi, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan - a documentary video clip. b. Nikolai Kozirev, Pulkovo Observatory an article by the US Government's National Technical Information Service (an intelligence outfit specializing in top foreign scientific information) about his work. c. Bruce DePalma's (ex MIT lecturer in electromagnetism) experiments with spinning metal balls and gyroscopes - a video clip. d. Experiments with fast spinning metal discs, Germany, 1930s. e. German fast spinning rocket experiments 1938-39 showed 3-4 times increase of the length of flight with all other conditions equal - a declassified intelligence document. 2.2. Forced gyroscoping of solid bodies simultaneously along 2 axis - antigravity devices with a single or multiple rotating "hierarchial" solid metal discs. 2.2.1. One disk devices a. Prof. Laithwaite's experiments with a 10 kg precessing disk, rotating simultaneously along a vertical and a horizontal axis and loosing 80% of its weight - a photograph. b. Demonstration of Laithwaite's experiment with a 20 kg steel disk - either a real demonstration, or a video clip from Japanese TV of my experimental confirmation of prof. Laithwaite's results (depending on time available). 2.2.2. Two disc devices a. Sandy Kidd's experiment of 2 "baby" gyros, counterrotating along a horizontal axis and simultaneously spinning that axis along a vertical one - a video clip from Dundee TV, Scotland, and Discovery Channel, USA. b. A similar U.S. patent - drawing of the device. 2.2.3. Three disc devices - 3 "baby" gyros spinning together with the carrier, or "mother" gyro. The experiment of a Phoenix, Arizona inventor with 3 "baby" gyros (horizontal axis), spinning with the "mother" gyro (vertical axis) - a video clip. 2.2.4. Devices with four and more in

number discs. a. The Russian experiments - from the book "Introduction to Experimental Gravitonics", published in Russia, showing photographs of about a dozen antigravity gyroscoping generators. b. N in number discs gyroscoping simultaneously along 2 axis. Ottis Car's "baby" gyros imbedded in the donut shaped "mother" gyro drawings from his patent for a levitating device. c. G. Adamski's overlapping multiple baby gyro/ mother gyro device - a color 3D sketch of the device. d. Multiple concentric "matryoshka" type spheres with axis orientation presessing in a 3D spatial Fibonachi series - the "Levogyre" of a New York architect - inventor. e. John Serl's cycloidally rotating hollow magnetic balls, racing along a toroidal ball race pipe - 20 rare color photographs of the device in different stages of construction and in experimental flight (shown with 2 slides), England, 1965-70. 3. Gravity defying properties of gyroscoping rotation of fluids. 3.1. Forced gyroscoping of fluids along a single vertical axis. a. High school physics of twisters and tornadoes - or how a 10 ton truck gets sucked miles up in the air. b. Levitation of a mercury filled ball, heated over a candle - an old alchemical experiment. c. Marconi's spherical vortex dynamo (Marconi Kugel Virbel Dinamo) - a new twist of the old levitating mercury filled metal ball - a mercury vortex along a vertical axis. Sketches and photographs during demo flights of the devices built by the secret SS R&D department E4 for the Thule Society, Germany, 1933 - 1945, German videodocumentary. 3.2. Forced gyroscoping of fluids simultaneously along 2 axis - antigravity devices with gyroscoping gasses, liquids or gas solid particulate mixtures. The 1 meter diameter copper devices of Victor Schauberger - the visionary genius of vortex fluid mechanics. Photos of the devices, running on compressed air or on ... water from the garden hose, and double force-precessing these fluids through the helical pipes of the device, profiled like

5.2.1. Frenchman Henry Coanda's the 3D spiral of the Kudu antelope horns. One of them was so successful, that it crashed through the privately developed turbojet "Lenticular Aerodyne" roof of his Viener Neustadt factory in 1943-44, of the 1930ies - the prototype for a whole family of privately developed turbojet and rocket craft - an from the German press. engineering drawing of the craft, showing the 4. Gravity defying properties of gyroscoping double precessing turbojets. 5.2.2. Hybrid helicopter-rotor / rotation of force fields. 4.1. Hybrid lift from gyroscoping heavy gyroscoping-heavy-mass / gyroscoping entropic lift designs: mass and gyroscoping force field devices. a. The first of the German internal 4.1.1. Along one axis. a. Electric motor type hybrid drives with combustion saucers - the manned helicopter version spinning mass and spinning magnetic field - the of the V-2 rocket hull, without the rocket engine Vrill levitation and power devices, developed by the the Focke-Wulf Triebfluegel Flugzeug (the German secret R&D society Vril between 1929 and Helicogyre): subsonic jet helicopter / antiaircraft 1945. Extensive sketches and photographs of the weapons platform - powered by three ramjets devices in low level demo flights over the secret attached to the tips of the 3 rotor blades (mounted testing ground of the Vrill society, clips from a midships). An unexpected discovery of antigravity physical effects due to the spinning of the heavy German documentary film. b. Forced synchronized gyroscoping of engines. Drawing of the device. b. Hybrid helicopter-rotor / gyroscopingnuclear magnetic momenta along the vertical axis donut-heavy-mass designs with piston and jet in a quartz crystal due to external magnetic coil engines: excitor - a declassified information of an US black - Aviation piston engine / propeller driven R&D program - from the US press. antigravity craft built by Junkers, 1941, photo. 4.1.2. Along 2 axis. Synchrotron ring - Bob Cordray's 1990 Wankel engine double cycloidal rotation of elementary particles - powered battlefield reconnaissance saucer - the sketches of the device of Richard Danaerde, SHADOW craft, built for the Pentagon. Did it have Holland, from the Duch and U.S. press. a German precursor? - a U.S. newspaper article 4.2. Rotation of force fields around the with photo. stationary hull of the craft. Schriever's - the turbojet engine (Me-262's Junker electromagnetic dreadnought disc with high Motoren UMO-0101) powered Fluegelrad (Flight frequency gas turbine generators and electro- wheel) of Rudolph Schriever: speeds of 2,000 km/h, magnetic propulsion, consisting of rotating 1941-42 - dozen drawings from the German press, magnetic field around the stationary hull of the 1950s. craft, that eliminated the necessity to spin the - Schriever - Habermohl built 2 models of material rotator - the first prototype of a 'solid rocket engine powered discs during 1942-3 and state'. no moving parts drive? A German 1943-5, utilizing the "Walther Rohr' rocket engine, "samizdat" publication. developed for the Me-163 and Me-263 rocket interceptors, with top speeds of 2 - 4,000 km/h. 5. Gravity defying properties of gyroscoping 5.2.3. Turbojet gyroscoping mass (nonrotation of entropic phenomena. Hybrid propeller) designs: Getting rid of the helicopter antigravity drives utilizing several of the above rotor aerodynamic lift for the more efficient mentioned lift effects. antigravity lift of the spinning heavy mass/spinning 5.1. N. Kozirev's experiment of weight negentropic phenomenon. a. Multiple 'outboard' mounted, tangential reduction due to time-irreversible, entropic trust standard aviation pulse-, ram- and turbo-jet dissolution of: a. cube of sugar in a cup of tea. engines, spinning the body, with no helicopter b. Some cold water into a thermos of hot water. 5.2. Hybrid drives with gyroscoping mass rotor. High aerodynamic drag resistance of the and gyroscoping entropic...internal combustion outboard engine pods. engines: turbo-, pulse-, ram-jet and rocket engines:

b. Spherical craft with inboard mounted aviation turbine engine(s) spinning the body through a wide area nozzle, that is the whole external, porous metal (Luftschaum), spherical skin of the craft - the so called 'Foo Fighters': the Kugellblitz (Ball Lightning) automatic fighter; and the Feuerball (Fireball) antiradar fighter. An enlarged color photograph, taken over ......Mt. Rainier, Washington State, 1952. Prof. Dr. Renato Vesco, the Italian "Werner von Braun" during WW2, talks in his suppressed book about the German turbojet saucer R&D effort. c. Discoid craft (for reduction of the frontal aerodynamic drag, relative to the above mentioned spheroid models) with standard inboard turbojets, spinning the lenticular body of the disc: the first Belonzo-Schriever-Miethe (BSM) Flugscheibe (flying disc) interceptor, 1942-3, with additional horizontal trust jet engines. d. The second BSM model: custom designed radial (vertical axis), donut shaped single turbojet engine, encircling the gyroscopically stabilized cockpit (placed in the donut hole), and spinning the body. Counterrotating rotor (turbine/compressor ring) and stator (turbine stator plus whole airframe plus fuel tanks, minus cockpit). e. Blue Book Report Project N=12 - a rare U.S. Air Force photo of the real AVRO turbojet fighter disk - only slight intake nacelle modifications (for increased aerodynamics) on that old hat - the BSM fighter saucer, 1950-s. Also an Argentinean Air Force fighter gun camera footage of the same craft. f. Look Magazine's 3-D drawings of the original BSM turbojet disc - one of the real 'AVRO Cars', built by Miethe for "A. V. Roe Ltd." of Canada, 1954. 5.2.4. Gyroscoping rocket engine driven saucers with out- and in-board motors. a. The "Outboard motor" rocket craft with V-2 engines - a drawing from the German press, 1950s. b. Miethe's in-board rocket motor craft drawings. c. A newspaper account of a Russian exoatmospheric rocket engine saucer that crash landed in Spitzburg, Norway, 1952. 5.3. Gyroscoping nuclear reactor drives - a declassified Russian source. A nuclear fission

reaction is also an entropic reaction. 5.4. Gyroscoping "salt shaker" water filled drive - a simple high school experiment. IV. THE "GUT" THEORY OF GYROSCOPIC ANTIGRAVITY DRIVES: The general physical characteristics and theoretical arguments of antigravity drives have been traced with a slide presentation of documentary evidence through academic and public domain rare reports. The unexpected conclusion is that gyroscopic antigravity is an inseparable property of matter, as is for example electromagnetic induction (any conductor loop moving in a magnetic field will have current generated in it, and not only conductors made out of... the (presently fashionable in the US black R&D program watcher community) exotic E.T. element 115 - Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1994. Antigravity is extremely easy to produce without any "alien", E.T. or Sci-Fi hardware: simple rotation along a vertical axis decreases the weight of any and every spinning body, and to use the folk wisdom: "If you spin 'the hell out of it', it will lift off and fly away". Antigravity as a physical variable is proportional to the rotational inertial momentum of the spinning body and to the angular velocity (to the mass and to the rpms). With this simple theory we can even answer the question of "How to build a better flying saucer?": From the slow spinning of "brute" masses to the relativistic spinning of high frequency fine energy fields - this is the road towards the design of a solid state antigravity drive without moving parts. V. MICHAELSON EXPERIMENT REVISITED MORLEY'S

Was it a simple mistake, or was it an intentional planned bluff? What happened to the 4th dimension complex terms of the Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism - the work of Tom Bearden? The theory of the Ether revisited? The torsion field theory of Anatoliy Akimov.

VI. VIBRATIONAL ANTIGRAVITY DRIVES: 1. Acoustic vibratory levitation of stones in the construction of a buddhist temple, 1920s, an account from the U.S. and British press. 2. The effect of John Hutchisson, Vancouver, Canada - RF EM radiation directed at the levitated target: - a rare documentary video clip of levitation from a distance of a metal monkey wrench, a plastic ashtray and a blob of shaving cream. 3. The acoustic levitation of David Deak, New York - a computer driven audio amplifier/ speaker combination levitates a ball in the air - a documentary video clip. 4. John Keely, the visionary genius of acoustic vibratory physics, the father of the suppressed science of sympathetic vibrations, and his auditory frequency acoustic levitation devices, based on the Khladny ring, that were demonstrated in front of the U.S. war ministry in ... 1862 - rare photos and books. 5. The "wedding cake" craft from the Dahl parallel universe - a detailed photograph of the 10

meter diameter craft from ... 10 meters away, showing the multiple resonating spheres, allowing it to perform dimensional and time shifts through the intelligent and energy efficient manipulation of the space-time continuum. VII. ELECTROSTATIC DRIVES. 1. The effect of John Searl - the ball within a thoroid (both of them electrostatically charged) propulsion and levitation unit. 2. The Tesla - Marcony spherical electrostatic condenser type drive. Tesla's early 19th century designs, further developed by Marcony, and by the private international R&D effort after WW2, from the Argentinean Andes. The books of Narcisso Genovese and drawings of the spherical crafts with "sea-mine" nedles sticking out of it. 3. The Russian Cosmos Spheres, developed after WW2 as a possible candidate for the Russian counterpart of that technology.

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