A Film: Vocabulary About Pollution and Environment

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A film

My favorite film is Midnight in Paris. This film is directed by Woody Allen. The film is about an American writer who travel to Paris with his fiance and his parents-in-law. He needs inspiration for his new book, for this reason, he goes in the night for Paris streets. However, Paris is magic in the night. The protagonist catch a car which travel at the past. As a consequence, he travels twenties years and he knows his idols such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Picasso, Dali and others. Also, he fall in love for a woman. Together, they travel to time of Charleston and they will realize the best time never is the present, always is the past. Finally, they come back to the present time, he leaves his fiance and he start a new relation with the other woman. I love this film due to the fact that I could guess who is the next artist to appear.

Vocabulary about pollution and environment

Acid rain Carbon dioxide Chemicals Climate change Conservation Contamination Deforestation Eco- friendly (no daa al medio ambiente) Ecological Ecologist Ecosystem Effluent (aguas residuales) Endangered species (especies en peligro de extincin) Global warming Greenhouse effect Noise pollution Nuclear pollution Ozone layer Pollution radiactive substance Radiactive waste (residuos radiactivos) Radiactivity Recycling To become extinct/ to die out To contaminate

Climate Change
Over the last century, an important subject is Climate Change. This has become more important due to much cause. Since nineteen century to present, humanity have exploded environment. As a consequence, actually have a lot of problems such as deforestation, endangered species or global warming.

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