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Grey 80 Sweet Blue Col Who I Am : "Orice are forma, poate fi definit.

Si orice poate fi definit, poate fi invins". Sun Tzu, 500 BC

Who I Am : "Orice are forma, poate fi definit. Si orice poate fi definit, poate fi invins". Sun Tzu, 500 BC Grey 80 Sweet Blue Col


all in one organic fertilizer + pesticide

the world's most perfect fertilizer + pesticide is epsom salt. yup, it really does work! use it as a fertilizer: one tablespoon per gallon of water. composed almost exclusively of magnesium sulfate, epsom salt is intensely rich in these two minerals that are both crucial to healthy plant life. use it as a pesticide: sprinkle on + around plants rendering them foul-tasting to garden pests.

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Epsom Salt as Plant Fertilizer Encourage green growth on your house plants by applying a solution of 2 tablespoons salt to 1 gallon water once a month.

Use Epsom salt to fertilize and feed roses, tomatoes, and peppers. In general, magnesium plays a role in strengthening the plant cell walls, allowing the plant to take in the nutrients it needs. It also aids in seed germination, photosynthesis and in the formation of fruits and seeds. Either mix in 1 T. of Epsom salt into the soil at the bottom of the planting hole when setting out transplants or mix the 1 T. in a gallon of water and water the seedling.
Read more: How to Use Epsom Salt in a Number of Ways |

La Plantare

Magic Tomato Plant Food from Jerry Baker. 3 C compost/mulch/dirt; 1/2 C Epsom salt; 1 T baking soda; 1/2 C powdered milk. Mix together and put in hole before planting, or work into dirt around stem and water.

Fertilizare de intretinere

How to Make Homemade Plant Food

by Rachel Paxton

Did you know that Epsom salt is a common fertilizer that can be used in your yard and garden? Right on the bag it says that you can sprinkle 2 tbsp. of Epsom salts around the base of tomatoes, roses, evergreens, azaleas, rhododendrons, and trees. It is also great for fertilizing indoor plants. Try this DIY recipe: Once a month, you can water your houseplants with a mixture of:
1 tablespoon Epson Salts, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. household ammonia, 1 gallon of water. One reader suggested giving houseplants your leftover cold coffee. This works particularly well

for ivy plants. Another method is to collect eggshells after baking and place them in a glass jar covered with water. Don't put the lid on tight. Let the eggshells sit for about a month and keep adding additional egg shells as you acquire them. Add more water if necessary. When you are ready to fertilize, dilute it (1 cup egg shell solution to 1 gallon plain water) and use it to water all of your plants. Your plants will love it! According to another reader, Knox unflavored gelatin is really good for houseplants. They agreed that mixing finely crushed rinsed eggshells into your potting soil would give your houseplants a good boost. The eggshells are a good substitute for bonemeal. If you have a fish tank, when you change the water in the tank, use the water you take out to water your plants. Your plants will love fish fertilizer!

One reader once a month pours a can of room temperature beer into each of her plants. She has had one plant for over 15 years. A wonderful plant food is regular green tea. You can buy it at Dollar General for one dollar a box. Dilute the tea with two gallons of water. You can use this every time you water. Plants love it. Another homemade plant food recipe featuring beer is: 1 cup beer, 1 cup epson salts, 1/2 cup ammonia, and 2 cups water. Use 1/2 oz. on each plant every two weeks. Great for all houseplants, especially orchids. One last recipe is: 1 cup used coffee grounds, egg shells from 2 eggs (process in coffee grinder), 1/16 oz. ammonia, 1 cup water, 1/8 tsp. Epson salts. Stir together until well mixed. You can spoon this mixture around the base of most flowering plants, except for African Violets. Don't mix it into the soil, just let is sit on top if the soil. Apply this mixture monthly.

Copyright Creative Homemaking, LLC. This article may not be reprinted.

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