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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SOLUTIONS Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 19, 2013 I.

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Co-President Sofie Langhorne at 4:41 p.m. at the offices of CenCal Health. The following members were present: Sofie Langhorne, Claudette Roehrig, Karyn Fish, Barry Semler, Maura Mitchell, Joel Ohlgren and Vicki Johnson. Acting Executive Director Marsha Marcoe and Nicole Blair were also present. II. Approval of Minutes The minutes were approved as amended for 9/5/13 and as submitted for 6/27/13. III. Board Packet Claudette Roehrig Co-President Claudette Roehrig reviewed the board packets which contained information for the start of our new board year. The packets contained Committee signups, Board Meeting Dates, Board Roster, Term Limits, the Commitment Form and our Current Insurance Certificate of Liability. Claudette asked for any corrections, and encouraged all board members to fill out, sign and return the commitment form. Claudette also provided the new password for our web-site, which is included in the packet. IV. Finance Committee Nicole Blair Nicole Blair gave the Finance Committee Report. We have total assets of 4.3 million dollars as of 6/30/13. We received 1.2 million dollars in bequests. Our selfgenerated revenues are up from last year. Out net income as of 6/13 is $1,231,528. Based on these figures, we are better off than we were last year at this time. As of August 31, 2013 our total assets are $4,192,788.75. Nicole reported that August and September are typically slow months in terms of cash flow. Our revenue stream is cyclical, and we can expect more grant money in the coming months. As far as expenses, we had more management expenses this month, although we came under budget for salaries. Nicole is looking for ways to cut our expenses, such as cheaper phone service, like teleconnect funds. Karyn reported that Verizon gives a 15% discount for non-profits. The Finance Committee Report is attached. V. Development Report Marsha Marcoe There was some discussion regarding the Mens Event, and whether it should be a fundraiser. Marsha felt it should not. There was a suggestion about having a casino night at Barrys house. If so, this could be considered the springtime event. Marsha pointed

out that if we attempt to do two separate events, the timing has to be just right, given the fact that we have a finite number of donors. Barry suggested that we cultivate new ideas for more events, (Betty Stephens has offered her home) but we need to give Marsha more help in order to accomplish this. Marsha shared the calendar listing all of our October events. With respect to the tea, media releases have been sent out, there is a great article in the Independent, and Maura is writing an opinion piece for the News Press. The Tang Vigil is Friday, October 4th. This is the first night our flags will fly. We will meet at Carrillo Center, have a small program, then walk with candles to the corner of State and Carrillo where our flags are flying. Thursday, October 10th there will be a big vigil at the Sunken Gardens, and District Attorney Joyce Dudley will speak. There will also be vigils in Lompoc and Santa Maria. Our High Esteem Tea is Sunday October 6th at 1:30 at the Baccarra. Marsha thinks we will sell out, and have about 300 people. We have a lot of sponsors this time. Harvest Eve was held in Santa Maria, and about 65 to 70 people attended. Barry suggested a run/walk for our October event. Maura reported that we did have a Run-for-Love event organized by a UCSB sorority. Claudette is working on putting together a walk-a-thon for next year. VI. Acting Executive Directors Report Marsha Marcoe Marsha explained the origin of the Executive Collaborative Team, comprised of 6 staff members. This group is currently in charge of the day to day operations of DVS and is working hard to improve the operation. We have applied to the Social Venture Partners for help with our new leadership model. Marsha reported that the team has been working together very successfully and productively and that there is a lot of enthusiasm for this new model. Social Venture Partners can help us better define how this management team will continue to function. There was some discussion as to if and when a new executive director should be selected. It was decided to wait on this decision. Nicole reported on SAVE, an employees assistance organization which would help employees who are having problems. Karyn suggested it was time to have a happy staff meeting. There was some discussion about filling the HR position. We have imposed on Karyn quite enough, and are very thankful for her tremendous help. It was suggested that we might want to hire a consultant. Karyn reported on an issue concerning our new HR handbook. Apparently, there are two versions, one drafted by Karyn. One version needs to be finalized. Joel gave some words of thanks to those board members who have worked so hard to deal with the organizations issues. We are truly thankful for all the time and effort they expended. Marsha suggested that we might want to have a holiday party for board and staff.

VII. HR Committee Report Karyn Fish, Joel Olgren and Claudette Roehrig Claudette reported that the agreement with Bonnie Campbell is settled and signed. Joel reported that our attorney, Kristi, is doing a great job dealing with all of these issues, and that the Roberta settlement is in process. Karyn reported that Marina is on medical leave and in the process of applying for Workers Compensation. While she receives Workers Comp., her demand is off the table. Karyn explained that her job is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. VIII. Adjournment of Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m. Next Meeting: November 14, 2013 at CenCal Health from 4:30 to 6:30p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Vicki C. Johnson Recording Secretary

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