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Buzz words- to entice people to buy the magazine by using words like Special and so this makes them

feel like buying it Pug - A colourful in the left or right hand corner of the magazine to advertise what is in the magazine.

These are other stories that are in this magazine.

Masthead - the name of the magazine which is Big Cheese. The name however is blocked by the band to show how important they are.
Headline - as it is the largest piece of text and is the main story of the magazine

The main image and we know this because its the biggest image on the front cover

Caption this tells us who the band is on the front cover Puff A colourful box (sort of) that promotes what else the magazine contains in this case it tells us what bands are involved in the magazine. Shows the price and issue number and shows that it is a successful magazine Code and convention

Magazine Analysis using Terminology

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