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I.Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple 1. We ____________ (play)volleyball at weekends.

2. Sadie_____________(have) a shower every evening. 3. My mum usually ___________(go) to work by bus.

4. My sister and I _____________(enjoy) walking by the lake. 5. My alarm clock always _______________(ring) at 7.00 6. Our dog______________(sleep) under the table. 7. I ___________(wash) my hair twice a week.

8. Joe never _______________(do) his homework. II. Make the sentences negative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. III. Ask and answer weekends? X 2.your mum/go/to work/by car? V 3.the boys/always/tidy/their room? X 4.the dog/usually/eat/sweets? X and your friend/often/watch/football? V 6.the students/sometimes/take/tests? V 7.Alan and Sam/help/their parents/at weekends? V homework?V

IV.Answer the questions 1.Where do you live? 2.Whos your best friend? 3.Have you got a pet? 4.Do you get up early at weekends? 5.Has your friend got a mobile? 6.Whats your favourite kind of music? 7.What do you usually do in the evenings? 8.Does your friend speak Spanish? V. Match 1. do 2.listen to 4.cook 5.set 6.make a.) pop music b) dinner c) the table d) your bed e) the piano f) your homework

VI. Order the words to make sentences 1. dont/basketball/we/at/play/weekends 2. sometimes/their/ride/my/bikes/friends 3. usually/get up/at/I/at/seven/oclock 4. often/your/you/help/do/at weekends/mum ? 5. watch/on TV/does/he/basketball/always ? 6. sometimes/at weekends/go out/the/boys 7. never/my/does/her/friend/homework

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