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SC/SVNTP Glossary BTSA Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment.

The California Department of Education oversees BTSA Induction programs, such as the Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Project: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing issues and regulates teaching credentials in California: County Office of Education Santa Cruz County Education: Santa Clara County Education: Completion of the SC/SVNTP BTSA Induction Program requires, each year for two years: Meetings with Mentor, completion of NTC FAS processes, professional development attendance, and demonstration of classroom application of BTSA Induction Standards 5 and 6 The Continuum of Teaching Practice: A table showing the range of teaching abilities based on the CSTP and the BTSA Induction Standards. Used for self-assessment and professional growth California Standards for the Teaching Profession (revised 2009), adopted by the California Department of Education and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Early Completion Option, Eligibility and requirements determined by SC/SVNTP based on specific intern, out-of-state, or private school experience, application, and recommendations English Learner Documentation that shows growth over time: student work, lesson plans, written reflections, weekly logs, video tape, data from Mentor observations, NTC FAS tools A job-embedded two-year program of applying and demonstrating theory and knowledge acquired in the Preliminary preparation program leading to the Clear Credential recommendation. Support by a Mentor and collaborative formative assessment are based on BTSA Induction Program Standards as required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Induction Program Standards 5 and 6 include demonstration of classroom application in: 5) Pedagogy, and 6) Universal Access: Equity for all Students. If a BTSA Induction Program is locally available (e.g. SC/SVNTP), completion of that BTSA Induction program is required in order to earn a Professional Clear Credential Exemplary experienced teacher released from his/her classroom full time to support and advise new teachers. Also referred to as Advisor, or Support Provider







EL Evidence of Application Induction




PT SB 2042


The New Teacher Center researches and disseminates the induction model and practices used by the SC/SVNTP BTSA Induction Program New Teacher Center Formative Assessment System. Processes and tools for ongoing assessment of teaching practice and student learning Participating Teacher Refers to Senate Bill 2042, which specifies the process for attaining a California Professional Clear Credential. Preliminary Credentials issued currently through California university teacher preparation programs are called 2042 credentials. Credentials issued to Out-of-State candidates, or prior to SB 2042, are called Ryan credentials. The Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Project. A stateapproved BTSA Induction Program that supports Participating Teachers in a consortium of districts across four counties

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