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CONTENTS OF PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP OVER A MINOR (SC A.M. No. 03-02-05) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The jurisdictional facts; The name, age & residence of the prospective ward; The ground rendering the appointment necessary or convenient; The death of the parents of the minor or the termination, deprivation or suspension of their parental authority; The remarriage of the minors surviving parent; The names, ages, and relative within the 4th civil degree of minor and of persons having him in their custody; The probable value, character and location of the property of the minor; and The name, age and residence of the person for whom letters of guardianship are prayed.

CONTENTS OF PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP OVER AN INCOMPETENT WHO IS NOT A MINOR. 1. The jurisdictional facts; 2. The incompetency of the person rendering the appointment of a guardian necessary or convenient; 3. The probable value and character of his estate; 4. The names, ages and residences of the relatives of the incompetent as well as the persons having him their care; 5. The names of the person for whom letters of guardianship are prayed.

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