Finnish Government

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Government System of Finland

V O L U ME 1, I S S UE 1 10/ 23 /13

Finnish Government
Finland gained its independence in 1917 and since then has set up a government that consists of a Parliament, Prime Minister, and a President. The Prime minister is elected by the Parliament and formally appointed by the President. There are 12 ministries in the government and they are each responsible for the preparation of matters within its field of competence and for the proper functioning of admini-

The president mostly has a ceremonial role and does not take much part in day to day politics. However, he does help shape public opinion. The President must be a natural born citizen.

Finnish Parliament

Finnish President Sauli Niinist

Parliament can submit legislative proposals, but most of the decisions are based on Government proposals. All initiatives are prepared in committees before final consideration. Once an Act is adopted by Parliament, it goes to the President for confirmation. The President has 3 months to do this or it goes back to Parliament for further consideration. Parliament approval is also needed for treaties

Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen

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