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Democracy, its impact on society, reason of its failure. Terrorism, causes and its consequences.

Status of women in Islam and society Role of media, its responsibility and its effects on society Federalism, provincial autonomy, separate provinces, in 18th amendment provinces are the sole beneficiaries. Political system of Pakistan. Global warming and 2012. UNO and Millennium development goals. Water crisis, a reason of third world war. Nuclear race in the world and Iran. WTO and free trade.

There should be colleges and schools just for men/boys and some just for women/girls

Introduction: Topic Defined. Significance of Educational Institutions. Thesis statement. Concept of Co education: western invention Promotion of secular thought threat for Islamic values. Pros of coeducation: economical way to train young minds. experienced teachers under on roof......promotion of gender equality Confidence building and elimination of gender biased minds. Cons of coeducation. elimination of Islamic values promotion of western social thought .....based on gender freedom hurdle for Conservative people to get education.

kindly check it and guide how to attempt such essay.

Education is key of the progress and prosperity. It leads toward social harmony, economical development, and political maturity. Today many nations are running in the race of super power to lead the world on the basis of is a weapon through which man can defeat every problem and he

can win any war. Education means change and it should be part of every member of society without discrimination of gender. Male and Female both have rights to get education and there should be colleges and schools just for men and women. western culture brought many changes in our eastern society and for bringing this change it took help from Media and educational system. our educational system was attacked through western based curriculum and even coeducation was introduced. No doubt western education system has many benefits but it breeds virus of social evils in our Islamic society more than is time of the need to establish separate schools for girls and boys for their Islamic based training. Education has power to change the destiny of nations and it is proving it true that decline in educational system means decay of nation.

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