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5 December 2012 Mr.

Muhammad Arif khan Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad.

Subject: Request to allow in the Electromagnetic Theory and Waves Class. Respected sir, It is respectfully stated that my sister had passed away on Sunday Evening 25th Dec .I had set out For home immediately and had been unable to attend Mondays classes on 26th Dec. On account of Excessive absentees, I was nullified of EMT course. I had, previously, five absentees in the course due To late fee payment, In spite, I regularly attended my classes. Although, I had paid late fee, I couldnt Void those absentees on ground of University Policy. Sir kindly reinstates my in course. I shall Be immensely grateful for this kind act of gratitude. Thanks

Reg: EE103093 Shahimulk


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