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Historic Resources

Potomac Subregion Master Plan Approved and Adopted, April 2002

Potomac Subregion Master Plan Approved and Adopted. April 2002
1 700s Resources

2 4 21 Pleasmt Hills (c 1760- 1705)

14820 Kelley Farrli Drive

Pleasant Hills, believed to have been built between 1760 and f 765, is ctr~eoftheearliest brick houses
built in Montgomery County, An outstarmding example of a Georgian Revival house, Pleasant Hills
is rcpreseritatitfe of late 18Ihcentury mmor houses built by prosperous families in Maryland and
Virginia, Typical of houses of this period, tlie residence was built ivitI1 two front facades of equal
i~x~porta~ice,one Fdcitlg tlie driveway and the other facing the gaden. Tlie house was once accessed
from C)arnesto'~n,rn Road by n long tree-lined drive.

Thc main block of the Izouse tvas buitt by CharIcs Gassatvaq: a prornine~xtlocal Iandojvner.
Accordir~gto tradition, Gassatvay's slaves ntade the bricks nn site in 1763. In 1799, Cassaway
requested a new farid patent for 1 700 acres, which he called P/eas~rrrrIfiIIs, Elizabeth Gassa~vay,
daughter of Charles, married fi!' lam Dame, who estsblished nearby Dafnestowtl in 1798, Her
brothers, Thomas and Cfiarles, ~~xttnagcdthe Pleasant Hifts estate after their father's death in 1810,
The Gassaway family sold the propcr-ty in 1829.

During the Civil War, the substantial residence attracted Union troops from Massaefiusetts ivhu
established quarters in the Iiotise and catnped on the gronnds, Thc cstste was owned m d fanned by
John T, Kelley and his descendants lrom 1808 througllos~tmust ofthe 1900s. J. Thonlas Kelley was
a noted Washirtgton surgeori in the early 190Os, His sun, 'fl~umasG. Kclley, was a U'ashiaxgton
lattgfer, tl-ternber of tIxe first Cuurlty Council (19481, arxt sert ed as c h a i m m of the Lpper
Molilgonxery Courxty Plannir2g Comnxission. The propefty included 540 acres under the Kclley

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