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EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185


By Arlyn Linton-Jones

A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of [EDID6506] [Issues Trends Innovations and Research In Instructional Design Instructional Technology and Distance Education] Trimester III, [2013]

Email: University: Facilitator: Course Coordinator University of the West Indies Open Campus Dr. Sandhya Gunness Dr. Camille Dickson-Deane

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185


This typical lesson (as shown in the lesson plan below) was used at Graydon Sealy Secondary in a classroom for face to face teaching .For the purposes of this project the new media tool I decided to use was Classroom Wiki spaces .With the lesson plan and the wiki I was able to bring the lesson to life using a blended approach .This lesson was 40 minutes in a typical classroom but I was able to expand on that time because of the many types of activities, resources and tools the wiki had to offer . DESCRIPTION OF LESSON LESSON PLAN DATE:2013/10/01 FORM:4G SUBJECT:Mathematics SUBTOPIC:Basic Wage/Pay GOAL Students will learn the proper way to calculate basic wages OBJECTIVES Knowledge-Recall: Define Basic Wage/Pay Analysis-Interpretation/Psychomotor: Calculate Basic Wage/Pay using the formula (Basic Wage/Pay = Hourly Pay/Rate x Number of Hours) to calculate the Basic Wage/Pay TEACHING STRATEGIES/METHODS Lecture, Questioning,Discussion,Collaboration,Demonstration TIME:10:20-11:00 AGE RANGE:14-15years TOPIC:Consumer Arithmetic DURATION:40mins

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185

RESOURCES/TECHNOLOGY Worksheet ,Pencil, Paper, White boards ,Calculators SET INDUCTION Engage students in a question and answer session in which the teacher will introduce new vocabulary words: wages,calculate,hourly,gross pay,weekly wage and brainstorm their definitions. The teacher will inform students that by the end of the lesson they should be able to calculate the weekly wage /gross pay for an employee. LEARNING ACTIVITIES/EXPERIENCES Engage students in peer discussion about the definition of Basic Wage/Pay Engage students in an example of how to calculate the weekly wage. Teacher will demonstrate the proper way to calculate Basic Wages using a calculator. Have students calculate the Basic Wage/Pay for employees on the worksheet. The teacher will ask students to try one problem on their own on their white boards. Students will be able to use calculators to solve problems. The teacher will check for understanding using written questions. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Correct the students responses on the worksheet Comment on students work Quiz CLOSURE Through questioning invite students to recap how to calculate the Basic wage/pay for employees. Teacher will constantly ask students to explain calculating progress. Teacher will review the calculating process.

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185


A wiki is usually a web application which allows people to modify content in a collaboration with others( Encyclopedia ,2007 ).A wiki is a type of content management system, content is created without any defined owner or leader, and wikis have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the users(Mitchell,2008). Wikis can serve many different purposes both public and private, including knowledge management, note taking, community websites and intranets. Cunningham (2002) described the essence of the Wiki concept as follows: A wiki promotes meaningful topic associations between different pages. It seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape. A wiki enables communities to write documents collaboratively and is essentially a database for creating, browsing, and searching through information (Black, 2007).

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users (.Whatis a, 2002)

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185

The learning activities used in the Wiki (Consumer Arithmetic-Basic Wages) to bring out the objectives of the media lesson were: Basic Wage Powerpoint Posting in Discussion forums about basic wage Viewing the pages Writing on pages in the wiki Links for calculating basic wage Completing the basic wage table Uploading pictures Practice tests Wiki projects and Event reminders(notification)

According to Wiki spaces Classroom (2013) the media tool I used this type of educational wiki is a social writing platform. It is easy to create and students can communicate and work on writing projects alone or in teams. The rich assessment tools can be used to measure student contribution and engagement in real-time. Teachers can monitor their students' work as it happens so they can give feedback, assistance, and encouragement as needed, while all the time focusing on the work of the classroom, not the tools. Students get the flexibility to engage with their peers at their own pace without sacrificing privacy which allows for more participation and enthusiasm in the classroom. The advantages of using wiki spaces classroom is that:

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185

It provided a place to manage all the activity, resources, conversations, and projects of the classroom. It gives the teacher the features needed to get the classroom organized to quickly and easily create assignments, share resources, make announcements, and foster discussion and community. It allows Project-Based Learning and students to explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying (Wikispaces, 2013). I chose Wiki spaces Classroom because it provides a simple structure that allows the teacher to create projects, define teams, assign students and manage them all through successful completion of their projects. Starting from pre-built templates, or a blank slate, students can work in private groups until their work is due. At the end of the project students can share the results with the rest of the class or even parents and other participants. Classroom Wiki spaces provides formative assessment reporting which allows for the tracking of students progress on their projects in real-time. Wiki spaces Classroom, provides a safe social network for a classroom. The teacher can decide who can participate and when, all of the discussion and activity is tied directly to the goals and work of the class.Wikispaces Classroom makes collaboration and community building easy and encourages the use of various types of Internet resources, content, and tools connecting the students of the class with people from around the world collaborating privately with students in another country, remote family members, and members of the community to enhance your classroom ( Wikispaces Classroom, 2013).

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185

The objectives of the lesson were as follows: Define Basic Wage/Pay Calculate Basic Wage/Pay by use the formula (Basic Wage/Pay = Hourly Pay/Rate x Number of Hours) to calculate the Basic Wage/Pay RESOURCES/TECHNOLOGY Computers ,Calculators,Internet,Visual Aids TEACHING STRATEGIES/METHODS Questioning, Discussion, Collaboration, Demonstration, Peer Learning, Cooperative Grouping The Basic Wage Wiki Spaces consist of writing on pages, discussion forums, adding comments uploading files and project team work. The LEARNING ACTIVITIES used in the Basic Wage Wiki Classroom are: Basic Wage PowerPoint Posting in the Discussion Forum about defining basic wage Posting in the Discussion Forum how to calculate the basic wage Viewing the page with Example 1 Viewing the wiki page with Example 2 Calculating basic wage link Completing the basic wage table Uploading the Basic wage photo slip Completing the basic wage questions Basic wage practice test Fill in the blank Completing the Wiki Project "Speech on Basic Wages" which involves teams posting and adding pages

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185

These activities explore the cognitive which students to remember and recall information ranging from concrete to abstract and the psychomotor, focus on physical and kinesthetic skills from observation to mastery of a physical skill. Recalling definitions and doing calculations allow students to demonstrate these skills. The Link for the media lesson is:

REFLECTION Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users (What is a wiki, 2002), But unfortunately I learned the hard way that certain pages or sections of

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185

the wiki should be protected from the content or the basic teaching concepts being altered by strangers after I shared my wikispace. However I really enjoyed teaching this lesson. I believe that it was really important to learn this skill it will help students in their lives as most of these students will go to work in the next few years. As for the Wiki space Classroom even though it was free I couldnt share it on any of the social media websites that was at a cost. The wiki did however allow for monitoring and I received emails of what pages students viewed and what changes they made. For some reason I couldnt add a profile picture which was disappointing and it was increasingly difficult to order the pages task and learning activities as I wanted them to appear to the students on the home page. Also the entire look of the home appeared simplistic and unattractive but it did make it easy to create the activities. Wiki spaces Classroom enhance Instructional Design, Instructional Technology and Distance Education by: Creating a safe, private network for learners. Connecting and communicating learners using a familiar newsfeed. Monitoring the history of student discussions, writing, and file uploads. Allowing collaborative edit pages using visual editor. Embedding content from around the web, including videos, images, polls, documents. Commenting on sections of text or the entire page.

Creating individual or group assignments. Choosing to set assignment start and end dates, or create long-running projects.

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185


Publishing projects to the entire class or students, parents, or others in the community. Monitoring student engagement in real time. Reporting on contributions to pages, discussions, and comments over time. Focusing on particular students, projects, or viewing reports across your entire class.

Wikis are a trend that provides a new mobile experience including iPad apps, a streamlined theme, a more education-focused feature set, with a host of other enhancements. They can facilitate abuse of the system but most Distance Education associations use private wiki servers that require user authentication to edit pages, and sometimes even to read them(Mnk, 2006) . In learning and teaching a wiki can offer students and educators a more active, participative relationship with web based materials (Sddu, 2013).In my opinion the use of wikis, should be viewed as enabling technology used to support other instructional media in designing a blended learning solution. Wikis are primarily used as collaborative tools and when integrated into a course or learning module supporting a structured learning environment, it can support active learning and knowledge construction through peer-to-peer interaction (Usdla, 2010). Wikis are relatively cost-free, and learners should find value in its contents.

EDID6506- ASSIGNMENT 2 ID#: 1996605185


REFERENCES Black, Peter; Delaney, Hayden; Fitzgerald, Brian (2007), Legal Issues for Wikis: The Challenge of User-generated and Peer-produced Knowledge, Content and Culture 14, eLaw J. Cunningham, Ward (June 27, 2002), What is a Wiki, WikiWikiWeb, retrieved April 10, 2008 Encyclopdia Britannica (London: Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.) 1, 2007, retrieved April 10, 2008 Hasan, Heather (2012), Wikipedia, 3.5 million articles and counting, Rosen Publishing, p. 11, ISBN 9781448855575 Mitchell, Scott (July, 2008), Easy Wiki Hosting, Scott Hanselman's blog, and Snagging Screens, MSDN Magazine, retrieved March 9, 2010 MNK Boulos, I Maramba, S Wheeler (2006), "Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education", BMC medical education (BMC Medical Education) 6: 41, doi:10.1186/1472-6920-6-41, PMC 1564136, PMID 16911779 WhatIsWiki(2002) Sddu(2013) Usdla(2010) f

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