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Canonical Correlation Exercise: Predicting Performance in a Sociology Class Marascuilo and Levin (Multivariate Statistics in the Social Sciences,

1983, Brooks/Cole) provided the data for this exercise. The data file, SOCIOLOGY.dat, is available on my Data Files page. The following SAS code will read the data file for you:
options pageno=min nodate formdlim='-'; TITLE 'Marascuillo and Levin, 1983, page 466-469'; DATA Socio; INFILE 'C:\StatData\Sociology.dat'; INPUT ID SocialClass Gender HS_GPA SAT HS_Socio Major Pretest Exam1 Exam2 Exam3 C_Eval Career @@; PROC

The research participants were students in a college sociology class. EXAM1, EXAM2, and EXAM3 are scores on the three exams in the class. GENDER is coded 0 for male, 1 for female. HS_SOCIO is whether the student did (1) or did not (0) take sociology in high school. SAT is the Scholastic Aptitude Test score. PRETEST is score on a pretest given on the first day of class and intended to measure knowledge in sociology. Name your first set of variables GRADES, and include in that set all of the exam scores. Name your second set of variables PREDICTORS, and include in that set gender, HS_GPA, SAT, HS_Socio and the pretest. Use the ALL keyword (rather than the REDUNDANCY keyword) to get all optional statistics from PROC CANCORR. Extract three pairs of canonical variates, test their significance, and comment on the magnitude of their correlation. Use the canonical coefficients and the loadings to label the six canonical variates obtained. Conduct a redundancy analysis. Summarize and interpret the results of your analysis. Cut and paste your SAS program and SAS output into a Word document. Add to the top of that document your name and your summary statement and attach the document to email sent to me.


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