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New technological tools ~n academe

reading. Chapters cover vir- The book's origins are a

Williams, J. M. and Goodwin, S. tual reference services, mobile mystery: published in Oxford,
P. (eds). Teaching with Tech- computing, collaborative the editors and contributors
Teaching with nology: an academic librarian's learning, video-conferencing, are from (often little-known)
Technology: guide. xviii + 157 pp. Oxford: course-management systems US institutions. The style is
An academiC Chandos Publishing, 2007. ISBN (such as Blackboard), the role very American and, in some
Iibranan's gUide 9781 843341727 (pbk); 978 1 of gaming and professional cases, off-putting (l felt pat-
843341734 (hbk). £39.95 (hbk). develop men t. ronised by the many refer-
The editors suggest that ences to 'patrons' per page).
soon these systems will be Knowledge of US library and
few to words in daily use. And even more interactive and education systems is assumed.
library education has come a have better personalisa- Why there are virtually no ref-
long way since the early tape- tion featutes allowing, for erences to the UK work is not
slide presentations. example, on-screen anno- explained: is this due to a lack
This book has appeared at tation and improved co- of development on this side
just the right moment - and browsing. of the Atlantic? We should be
is very welcome. Most writers have a clear, told.
It describes technolo- descriprive style. I should, Ralph Adam
gies for enhancing library however, have appreciated Harrow
Academic libraries have education (in both formal more (and clearer) screen-
changed fast, reacting quickly teaching and enquiry-desk shots, plus evaluations of the
to the 'social software' revolu- work), filling the gap between tools' effectiveness. Discus-
tion and the huge range of teaching manuals and tech- sion of other issues would
remotely-hosted tools and nology guides. have been useful, too: staff-
services it has brought. Terms The main chapters are development, institutional
like Library 2.0, wikis, blogs, by specialists, with each dis- politics (conflicts wirh other
podcasting, webcasting and cussing one or several tech- departments, such as IT), pri-
instant messaging have gone nologies and their benefits, vacy, copyright and security,
from the language of a select aided by examples and further for example.

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