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You scream, I know how
it goes! This month I found, from a shop
I adore, Williams and Sonoma, an ice
cream container to store all my
homemade treasures! If you love making
your own ice cream have a look on
Williams and Sonoma for the 2 types
available. My husband found this home
wares store in Sonoma, when we
diverted from our itinerary and drove
inland from San Francisco rather than
up while in the USA. They now have a
store in Bondi; Australia and you can
buy online! Bless them!
Of course Halloween is approaching and
it seems to be getting a roll on with both
our children keen on going trick or
treating. I have a tub of rosy apples
ready for the door knocks on my front
door! I am also going to make a sweet
pumpkin pie this year as my tribute not
only Halloween, but the spiced pumpkin
lattes available to Mrs Nutritionist in the
States. I couldn't believe it when I
opened an email from her alerting me to
Starbucks rolling them out again! I will
include a recipe you can try to get a hint
of her fav beverage ( of the non
alcoholic variety!) Our Halloween meal
will be Dracula Pasta. I will use fresh
pasta (which of course you can make
yourself or buy fresh) and a tomato base
sauce. This will have us all having a red
dribble as we slurp up the pasta....just
like Dracula! Now you can up the ante
and add little children's brains (otherwise
known as cauliflower florets!). I was so
against halloween until I looked up its
origins and realised it is not an American
tradition (which I had thought, turns out
they just get right into it!). It is in fact the
Irish and Scots whom started the
halloween tradition and took it with them
to North America!!!
And because I am reminiscing all things
from our USA trip lets do it and go all
Peppermint mocha (no whip, no fat,
double shot is how I like it). It is my
Christmas craving...nothing gets me in
the mood for wrapping presents and and
making lists and checking them twice
like a Peppermint Mocha. At the moment
my closest Starbucks is 25 minutes
away, but double that with the roadworks
and V8 car racing diversions in place! It
has resulted in me making my own
powder to add to milk or double shot it
and add it to an espresso shot and hot
milk! Be is dangerously good!
October has been a busy month and
November is sticking its annoying little
head around the corner at me! Could I
suggest that if you are not a thermomix
owner and are still thinking about it,
ACT now before it gets all Red FOO
RIDICULOUS. I have got thermomixs
arriving 3 days after they are ordered
ready to be delivered to anxious new
owners, and that is Brilliant! November
is the month I have to stay on top of
things while kids finish school and
endure exams, Christmas shopping is all
finished and All my customers are ready
to roll with super impressive ideas for
Christmas to whip up in their
I would like to take this very public space
and say a BIG thank you to my
Gorgeous Miss A3 for putting me on the
web! She has organised my old
newsletters in a drop down tab for you
guys to go to if you need recipes...she
has a shop tab to drop down and
purchase items I will be selling Next
year, and has selected the pictures to
place on the home page from my
favourite things! Then to tickle me silly
she said mum, I think we can add in a
link to play a song if you want? Oh yes
Baby Girl, I would like that very much!!
I hope you enjoy and as always drop me
a line with any queries or feedback!
Until Annoying November!
Bon Appetite
!"ou can discover what your enemy fears most by observing
#e means he uses $ %igh&n you.'
Eric Hoffer
Pasta sauce
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
Can of tomatoes
1 tbs stock concentrate
6 sundried tomatoes OR
2 tbsp tomato paste
100ml red wine
Handful of your choice of
oregano, parsley and basil
(I use all three!)
Chop onion and garlic
sp7/10 secs. Then saut 4
mins/Varoma/sp 1
Add can of tomatoes, stock
concentrate, tomato paste,
100ml red wine (optional)
and herbs Cook for 20
mins/Varoma/sp 2. Use
your varoma receptacle
on-top to stop splutters!
Once cooked place in
thermoserver while
cooking pasta.
Do not wash TM bowl, fill
1500g water and bring to
boiling varoma/sp1/8 mins.
Add fresh pasta and cook
be sure to place varoma
receptacle on-top to allow
for starchy water to bubble
up into. Once pasta is
cooked strain it through the
varoma receptacle and
then tip pasta into
thermoserver to stir
through sauce.
Add steamed cauliflower
florets for mini brains or
use mini bocconcini balls
halved, press your thumb
to indent the cut side.
Place a halved stuffed
olive inside the bocconcini
to look like eye balls!
(thats what I will be doing!)
place on top of the pasta!
pumpkin pie
Pumpkin pie
Pasta sauce
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
Can of tomatoes
1 tbs stock concentrate
6 sundried tomatoes OR
2 tbsp tomato paste
100ml red wine
Handful of your choice of
oregano, parsley and basil
(I use all three!)
Chop onion and garlic
sp7/10 secs. Then saut 4
mins/Varoma/sp 1
Add can of tomatoes, stock
concentrate, tomato paste,
100ml red wine (optional)
and herbs Cook for 20
mins/Varoma/sp 2. Use
your varoma receptacle
on-top to stop splutters!
Once cooked place in
thermoserver while
cooking pasta.
Do not wash TM bowl, fill
1500g water and bring to
boiling varoma/sp1/8 mins.
Add fresh pasta and cook
be sure to place varoma
receptacle on-top to allow
for starchy water to bubble
up into. Once pasta is
cooked strain it through the
varoma receptacle and
then tip pasta into
thermoserver to stir
through sauce.
Add steamed cauliflower
florets for mini brains or
use mini bocconcini balls
halved, press your thumb
to indent the cut side.
Place a halved stuffed
olive inside the bocconcini
to look like eye balls!
(thats what I will be doing!)
place on top of the pasta!
Pastry shell
85 grams butter cubes,
Softened room temp
55 grams caster sugar
1 vanilla bean, Scraped
1 egg, Medium room temp
170 grams plain flour
Cream butter and sugar on
sp 4/70 secs Add vanilla
seeds and mix briefly to
combine. Add egg and
beat another sp 4/30
secs.add flour in three lots
sp 2 until crumbly . Knead
Interval sp /40 secs. Turn
out and knead lightly to
bring together. Shape into
a flat disk (makes it easier
to roll out) Wrap in cling
film and chill for at least
half hour before using. Roll
out and line tart tin. Place
parchment paper over and
pastry weights inside. Chill
for 20 minutes then bake
in oven 200 degrees for 15
minutes . Remove weights
and paper and cook
another 5 minutes. Use
any spare pastry to fill any
Try to minimize handling or it
will become tough.This rule
goes for most pastries as it
alters the gluten.
400g Pumpkin
150g sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2 eggs
1 can evaporated milk
Place 500g water into TM
Bowl. Place rough
chopped pumpkin in
simmer basket and cook
varoma/sp2/30 mins.
Empty water from TM bowl
and place cooked pumpkin
in TM bowl. Puree sp 9/45
secs. Add everything
except evapourated milk.
Mix sp 6/10 secs. With
blades turning sp 4 pour
evaporated milk in slowly
to combine . Pour pumpkin
mixture into pastry shell
and bake 55 minutes at
170 degrees
70 g powdered milk
70 g cocoa powder
80 g sugar
70 g instant dried coffee
( I used Mochona espresso
because the jars are great
for storage after and the
labels come off like a
3 rolls or 135g of allens
XXX strong mints. If you
cannot find these then
candy canes or other mints
will work BUT these
dissolve totally and other
lollies have a shell exterior
which does not totally
Place all ingredients in TM
bowl and Blitz sp 10/ 1
min. This will store in an
airtight container .
To make the final mocha
and I add 2 tsp to hot milk.
When I need a real coffee
hit I add it to my espresso
shot then top up with hot
I h a v e m a d e t h is
in b ig b a t c h e s
a nd p o p p e d
t h e m in g la s s
j a r s t o g iv e a s
g if t s . . . f e e l f r e e
t o c o p y a nd
s t e a l t h is id e a !
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