Oct 24th Tripple Crown

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Problem 6.3.

3 Looking for a Triple Crown

Birth dates are important in horse racing as all foals born in a calendar year are considered to be the same age. Thus, a foal born in December would have to compete with foals born the previous January nearly a full year older. Managing the reproductive cycle is critically important in the racehorse industry. The challenge breeders face is that most mares are seasonally polyestrous. Animals that are seasonal breeders only breed naturally during a certain time of year. The term polyestrous indicates the mare has several estrus cycles during the breeding season. The estrus cycle of mares is commonly dependent on photoperiod or length of day. Artificial daylight must be provided to manipulate the reproductive cycle. Thus ensuring a mare will foal early in the year is an obstacle breeders must overcome.

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You and your partner have inherited a Thoroughbred mare and stallion that have outstanding pedigrees and could produce the next great Triple Crown winner. This could be your big break in the horseracing industry. You have three primary concerns before taking on this venture: How to prepare the mare and stallion for early breeding. When the mare should be mated to the stallion. What challenges you will face as a breeder.

You and your partner are to determine a breeding timeline and best management practices to manipulate the reproductive cycle of your horses. When completed, follow your teachers directions for submission of your solution.

The National Council for Agricultural Education CASE Copyright 2010 Animal Unit 6 Lesson 6.3 Problem 6.3.3 Looking for a Triple Crown Page 1

1. What problems may arise by manipulating the breeding season of a horse?

2. Based on what you know, is manipulation of the breeding season of a horse worthwhile? Why or why not?

The National Council for Agricultural Education CASE Copyright 2010 Animal Unit 6 Lesson 6.3 Problem 6.3.3 Looking for a Triple Crown Page 2

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