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Standard and Basic Competences

Standard Competences: Mendengarkan: Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks kelas. Berbicara : Memahami dan mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas. Membaca : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas. Menulis : Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas. Basic Competences: Mendengarkan: Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal dalam konteks kelas. Berbicara : Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/member informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima kasih, meminta maaf, memberi maaf, melarang, memuji, dan mengajak. Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: thank you, sorry, please, dan excuse me. Membaca : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas. Menulis : Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima seperti: ucapan selamat dan pesan tertulis.

Theme Topic

: Friendship : Lets Clean the Classroom

Language Skills :
Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Language Features:
Vocabularies Broom, Mop, Duster, Bucket, Eraser, Garbage, Litter, Clean, Throw, Sweep. Asking for help Do you want to help me find the (broom, mop, duster, bucket, eraser)? Giving or refusing help Yes, of course. I am sorry, I want to go to library Asking and giving information Is it a (broom, mop, duster, bucket, eraser)? Yes, it is & no, it is not. Thanking Thank you & you are welcome. Preposition Behind, under, inside.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to: 1. Pronounce names of cleaning tools (broom, mop, duster, bucket, eraser) in correct pronunciation. 2. Use the expression of: asking for help, giving or refusing help, asking and giving information, thanking correctly 3. Comprehend the gist of the text. 4. Rewrite some words correctly.

Activity 1
Lets look at the picture.
This class is Andys class. It is very messy and dirty. The rubbish is everywhere. But unfortunately the cleaning tools are missing. Lets find the tools and stick them on the right place.

Cut these cleaning tools.

Lets cut the cleaning tools and stick them on the picture above.

Activity 2
Lets listen to this song.

Lets Clean our Classroom

Hey Friends look at the classroom 3 4 5 i 5 3 5

Its so dirty and messy 2 3 4 2 5 4 3

Lets call our magic friends 1 1 6 6 7 1 5

Make the classroom wonderful 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

I am a broom to sweep the floor 3 4 5 i 5 3 5

I am a duster to clean the windows 2 3 4 2 5 4 3

I am an eraser to clean the blackboard 1 1 6 6 7 i 5

Now look its so beautiful 4 3 5 4 3 2 1

Modified from: Balonku ada 5 song

Activity 3
Lets read the story.

Look! Andis class is very messy and dirty. Andi wants to sweep the floor but he cannot find the broom.

Now, lets follow what Andi is going to do.

Putri, do you want to help me find the broom?

Yes. Lets see behind the cupboard

Is it a broom?

No, it is not. It is a bucket.

Lets see behind the door.

Is it a broom?

No, it is not. It is a mop.

Lets see under the table

Is it a broom?

Yes, it is. It is a broom.

Okay. Thank you Putri. Lets clean the class together.

Activity 4
Lets fill in the blanks.
After sweeping the class, Putri wants to clean the blackboard but the eraser is gone. Now, lets help Putri to find the eraser.

Andi, do you want to help me find the eraser? Hmmm. Okay.

I am sorry Putri. I want to go to library.

Hi friend. Do you want to help me find the eraser?

Yes, ........ Pin your picture here.


Thank you

Lets start to find the eraser. Okay. Lets see behind the curtain. Pin your picture here.


.................. . ........................ ................... Pin your picture here. Lets see under the chair.

Is it an eraser?


.................. . ........................ ................... Pin your picture here. Lets see inside the cupboard.

Is it an eraser?


.................. . ........................ ................... Pin your picture here.

Is it an eraser?


Thank you for helping me to find the eraser. Now, I can clean the blackboard.

Activity 5

Lets read this story and answer the questions.

On Friday, Andi, Putri and Rama have a duty to clean the class 4. They come to the class earlier. They start to clean the class. First, they use the broom to sweep the floor. Then, they use the eraser to clean the blackboard. Next, they use mop to clean windows. Now look, the class is clean. There is no dust in the floor. There is no chalk writing left and the windows are clear and shiny. After that, Budi comes to the class. Budi is a student from class 4 too. He eats a banana and throws the banana peel next to the door. Andi, Putri and Rama are upset to him. Hey Budi, dont throw the banana peel away! Andi said. But, it is not my duty. Today is your duty Budi said. Then, Budi brings out his favorite toy from his bag. His toy is a plane. He shows it to his friends. Budi is very happy to show his plan. Now, it flies. Then, he runs very fast outside the classroom but broog he falls down because he steps on the banana peel and breaks his plane. Budi cries, Andi comes to Budi and help him to wake up. Andi also reminds him not to litter anymore.
1. When Andi, Putri, and Rama have a duty to clean the class? a. On Friday b. On Saturday c. On Monday d. On Tuesday

2. Who throws the banana peel away? a. Andi b. Rama c. Budi d. Putri

3. What is Budis favorite toy? a. Broom b. Mop c. Plane d. Eraser

4. Who helps Budi to wake up? a. Rama b.Andi c. Putri d. Rika

Activity 6
Lets fill in the blank.

Two days ago Budi fell down because he steped on banana peel that he thrown away carelessly. Therefore he never litter again. Now, he always helps his friends to clean the classroom.

He uses

to sweep the

Broom He uses to clean the

He uses to clean the

He uses to clean the

Now, everybody in his class is happy because the classroom is always clean.

Group 2: Annisa Syamrotul Puadah Fitri Aprianti Mundarti Neni Lisnawati Widia Purnamasari

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