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1. What is the free space loss (FSL) to the moon at 6 GHz and at 12 GHz? 2.

What is the EIRP of a transmitting subsystem operating at 15 GHz with 4.5 dB of line losses? The output of the transmitter at its flange is 20 mW and the antenna gain is 41 dB. 3. A 21-mile radiolink operating at 6.1 GHz has the following characteristics: at the transmitter 120 ft of EW-64 waveguide (1.7 dB/100 ft), transition loss of 0.2 dB, a 4-ft antenna at the transmit end, 0 dBW output at the transmitter waveguide flange. What is the isotropic receive level at the distant end? 4. From question 5, on the receive end of the link there is 143 ft of EW-64 waveguide, a similar 4-ft antenna, and same transition. What is the unfaded RSL? 5. Calculate the isotropic receive level at an earth station if a satellite transponder radiales + 31dBW on 7.305 GHz and the elevation angle is 15. Consider only free space loss. 6. What is the receiving system noise temperature in kelvins when the antenna noise is 105 K and the receiver noise is 163K. 7. The noise figure of a certain LNA is 1.25 dB. What is the effective noise temperature of the LNA in kelvins? 8. A section of waveguide has an ohmic loss of 0.3 dB. What is its (ap-proximate) equivalent noise temperature when inserted in the transmission line system? 9. What is the spectral noise density in 1-Hz bandwidth (No) of an earth station receiving system where Tsys is 97K? 10. If the receive signal level (RSL) at the input of a certain LNA is 131dBW where T is 141K at the same reference point, what, then, is the value of C/No? 11. Calculate downlink C/No for an earth coverage antenna of a satellite where the EIRP of that beam is + 34dBW, the earth station G/T is 21.5 dB/K, and the total downlink losses are 202 dB.

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