Letter Activity

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Lesson plan format for individual lessons during the block practicum

Lesson: Letter to Mr Wilkie Time: 8:50am

Date: 13/10/09 Year: Preps (Bilbies)

At the end of this lesson students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to : 1. The Students to recognize what a letter is and how it is formed. 2. To understand the genre of a letter. 3. Be able to start to write their own letters.

LESSON PROCEDURE: MOTIVATION: The motivation for this activity to commence the lesson by explaining to the children that the activity is based around a visit from Mr Wilkie, as they are all still in the stage of impressing the principal with their work this will definitely commence the motivation. I will also be reinforming the Ladder and stating how this is a chance for everyone to be involved in the activity and be able to move up the ladder.

INTRODUCTION: Within my introduction I will be starting my lesson with questions such as Put your hands up bilbies if any of you have written a letter before this will get the students thinking about letters and letter writing.

LESSON CONTENT: Within the content of the lesson I will be going through the following steps with the Bilbies: 1) I will start by asking the Bilibies If They recognize my sample letter and are able to tell me what it is?? 2) Than ill ask Put your hands up if you can tell me what we have to have in a letter?? 3) I will than state that our activity today is to write a letter to Mr. Wilkie and tell him what we have been up to and invite him to come to the bilbies classroom to show him our pictures of our special buildings within the school and tell him why they are special to us. 4) I will than commence the letter with the children helping me sound out the words. 5) Every 5th word I will get them to do the sounding out actions and get them thinking about what letters are in the words. 6) After writing the letter I will than go back through the letter and get the students to read the letter with me making sure that they understand what its about and who it is for, why we are writing it, and who the letter is from. CONCLUSION: To conclude the lesson I will than get the students ready for their music class by getting them to form a circle ready for when Mrs Dodds enters the room. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: To Assess the activity If I was to follow the investigation of their understanding I would get them to write a letter to someone that is special to them and collect them and mark them through a criteria sheet relevant to the activity.




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