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Tools are results of Technologies Technologies are resulting out of causal interaction causal interaction is bound to chains of Technologies and Tools

Essentially the following assumptions are to be hold true:

Figure 1: Category Diagram of described structure So the main emphasis is that any kind of set of tools should be enabled to, based on core-technologies, develop a chain of production that leads to either: 1. a similiar set of tools 2. a dierent set of tools 3. a product 4. a chain of products So there have to be cases of distinguation between I. the availibles and II. the disign.

Figure 2: Core of links between Tools-Technology-Products

Figure 3: Counting of link-bridges between Tools-Technology-Products

Essentially a set of tools should enable for creating a Method that again enables for creating a set of products that again, after a cycle of culmination and breakdown, lead to the existance of tools that either: A: create the same B: create a dierent set of tools. This process is being condensated in a tool-kit, like a blueprint, that allows for re-creating of the ,lets call it, -START.Situation-. By means of collecting the information of what A.1: tools - products - materials are B.1: results are supposed to be there a design process can be objectied.

Figure 4: availible materials-products-tools match DESIGN-blueprint as requirements in size,shape,structure and ammount

Figure 5: availible materials-products-tools partly match DESIGN-blueprint as requirements in size,shape,structure and ammount

Figure 6: availible materials-products-tools do NOT match DESIGN-blueprint as requirements in size,shape,structure and ammount

In case of any matches it is possible to verify what is A.I.: needed and B.II.: to be done. By crosscorrelating e.g. a list of needed objects or goods or tools or processes to thoose that are availible it can be veried what is needed and what is possible.

Figure 7: crosscorrelation of positions

Figure 8: crosscorrelation of meta-positions This of course can be done by lists made of paper, or digitally, or by memory or whatever mean. Other possibilities could be encoding barcodes or using information-hash-sums. So the essential ingridences for a blueprint for an evoFAB are adaptable Design-patterns and an overview about whats there.

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