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Dear Local Resident Redevelopment of the Gas Holder site

October 2013

LXB Retail Properties Plc are pleased to report that the planning application for the mixed-use scheme on the Sutton Gasworks site has been submitted to the Council. This application represents a 50m investment into Suttons town centre. The scheme has undergone a long consultation process with local residents, councillors, planning officers, and community stakeholders to ensure that we deliver a scheme that is right for Sutton. This newsletter details the final design that has been submitted to the London Borough of Sutton. The final scheme includes: Sainsburys supermarket with parking for approximately 356 car spaces 1,840 sqm of restaurants/non-food retail 186 residential units A new public plaza Improved highways access and pedestrian connectivity across the site and into the town centre Overleaf , you will see an updated site plan and images of the proposals depicting how the scheme will look, if approved. Through working in partnership with the Council and stakeholders, we are delighted to bring forward this exciting proposal. We would like to thank the many local people for their support and encouragement to make this proposal a reality. Yours Faithfully

Giles Haywood

Views of the Old Gasworks Development

New dwellings on Vale Road

Birds eye view from High Street/ Vale Road junction

Street view from north end of the High Street onto car park entrance

View along the back of Sainsburys

Birds eye view towards residential blocks

Eastern view of Sainsburys on Crown Road

View of Sainsburys entrance from Crown Road

View of public plaza

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