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CCEA Executive Meeting Agenda April 9th, 2013 7:15 7:55 am Erikas Classroom # Attendance: Annie Enzibigilis, Erika

a Myers, Jake Little,

Gina Stetka, Mary Pellin, Becky Foellmer, Janet Schultz, Jeannie Wyse, Jenny Rickertt, Shannon Hayes


Approval of March Minutes A. Jake motioned to approve March minutes B. Annie seconded the motion


Treasurer's Report A. Jake motioned to approve Treasurers approach B. Erika seconded the motion


Positives/Concerns A. PV 1. Positives a. thank you for having lunch with Tim

b. staff are enjoying Beckys classes would be great if they were offered over the summer c. Mrs. Kling very positive asset to school and PV are hoping they will come back 2. Concerns a. concern about aides being asked back for next year b. however aides are not part of CCEA but brings about student concerns. C. LV 1. Positives

a. Community STEM night huge success b. Tim was fully supportive about a parent concern and helping support staff 2. Concerns a. health screening yes, you must participate in health screening or it will cost you. b. concern about scheduling e-mail should go out today to tell staff they must participate. c. E-mail will be sent out to staff today 4/9 D. Ide no concerns IV. Meeting with Mr. Arnold A. Aide concern should be addressed B. 75 calendars days for Riff list (bring up with Tim because Regional Council have been asking for it) V. Regional Council Report A. Dixon teachers are still in negotiations B. Summer Leadership academy July 23-26 good for negotiations C. Stalward award? VI. Presidents Report A. Jake is attending Presidents meeting B. Erika will contact Tim about concerns with board book 1. Confidentiality 2. Aides being let go and how this effects student learning C. CCEA Elections (Open Positons include Vice President, Tresurer, 1 Building Rep from each building) 1. Brian K. interested in building rep from Ide


Adjournment A. Annie motion to adjourn B. Jenny seconded the motion C. meeting adjourned at 8:00

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