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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore

Assignment 1- Digital Communication System Please attempt all the questions. It should be done on A4 size paper and it should be submitted in the class of 3rd Oct. 2013. Question 1: a) Suppose a signal m(t) has bandwidth M Hz and a signal n(t) has a bandwidth N than what should be the sampling frequency of y(t)=m(t)*n(t). [5] b) Take three different sinusoidal signals of different amplitudes and find the SNR due to quantization error with L=256 for uniform and nonuniform (-Law) quantization. Which quantizer will you recommend for ADC? [5] c) Is it possible to transmit more than two pieces of information over one hertz of bandwidth in one second. If yes then explain how if not then explain why not (using time domain analysis). [5] Question 2: a) The ESD graph of a particular signal is shown below. If we want to preserve 95% of the energy of this signal then what should be the sampling frequency. [5]

b) If we assign 8 bits to every sample of the signal that was sampled in Q 2(a) then what will be the bit rate and the corresponding minimum required bandwidth. [5] c) If we use AMI signaling for transmitting the bits of Q 2(b) then what is the minimum bandwidth required. [5]

Question 3: a) Explain the working of Delta Modulator and demodulator with the help of diagram. [10] b) Derive the relation for SNR for Delta modulation. [5]

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