May CCEA Minutes

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CCEA Executive Meeting Agenda May 10, 2013 7:00 7:35 am Erikas Classroom #203

I. Approval of April Minutes Did not have the minutes


Treasurer's Report - Annie shared the most recent statement. Motion to approve Jake, Second Jenny Rickert


Presidents Report a. CCEA Elections (Open Positons include Vice President, Tresurer, 1 Building Rep from each building) 1. Ide Rep Brian Kulkuski (Janet Schultz staying)

2. PV Rep (Gina and Mary staying) 3. LV Rep 4. Treasurer 5. Who want to make and distribute ballots? Jake Little will make ballots. Election will be Wednesday, May 22 b. Committees - We need to tighten ship and form a means of communication. We will meet this summer to come up with a better plan of communication between committees and CCEA. IV. Positives/Concerns A. Ide B. PV C. LV V. Meeting with Mr. Arnold (Jenny Rickert staying)


Regional Council Report

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