Math Ipg Lesson Plan Completed For Presentation

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The IPG Interns Name: Shelly Casto Subject MATHEMATICS 1. TEKS: 5.

1B Use place value to read, write, compare and order decimals through the thousandths place. Date: 12 Oct 2013 Grade Level: TH 5 GRADE 2. Big Understandings: It is important to understand the placement of decimals as you will encounter this skill throughout your life when dealing with money, adding, subtracting, and multiplying combinations of problems containing decimals. Some examples: pumping gas, purchasing items, weighing items.

Objective: I/we will analyze place value to read and write decimals through the thousandths place. (Technology: overhead projector and poster board)

3 Assessment Evidence Student will demonstrate the understanding of decimal placement with the use of hands on training aides. After the block of instruction the students will also demonstrate their understanding by completing a unit test. 4. Opening Hook T-(shows bin) What do you see in the bins? Have you ever played with play money and number cards? T-(show packet of pages) What do you think this might be? How do you feel about testing your knowledge of what you know? We are going to learn how to analyze - what is analyze? Do you think it will help in solving problems that contain decimals? (point back to student objective)(Technology: overhead projector) - Today we will learn about decimals by examining (Analyze) how to place the decimal in the appropriate position to help you read and write it correctly. We will only be learning and practicing this part today. 5. Instructional Strategies / Student Activities Input/Modeling: T (holding up page 1 of packet)(Technology: overhead projector and poster board) I am going to explain the place value for numbers and go over the positions past the decimal. Then we will all repeat the positions together. Now that we have just reviewed the positions, lets see if we can actually do it. T (holding up page 2 of packet )(Technology: handouts) Everyone please go to this page from your paper packet. Who wants to be my helper and read the first one? Who wants to by my helper and read the second one? Who wants to be my helper and read the third one? T- (holding up page 3 of packet)(Technology: handouts) Since you all did so well, lets actually practice. Using the contents from the bin, answer the 4 problems. Im going to give you a few seconds to work the examples. T Questions students (CFU) What learned? Why?

Take a minute to work the 4 problems by placing the answers on your desk using the contents from the bin. I will walk around to check on your process and answer any questions.

Guided Practice: Did everyone understand what I just said and showed you? (Technology: overhead projector and poster board) SR Yes. Did everyone hear and understand what was read? SR- Yes Where would you place the decimal? SR Did everyone hear the second problem? SR Yes Who can tell me where the decimal should go? SR Did everyone hear the third problem? SR Yes - Where should the decimal go? SR Does everyone understand where to place a decimal after going through the examples? SR Yes T Lets go over what everyone has. (Technology: overhead projector) Who would like to tell what they got for the first one? SR T- Who wants to tell what they got for the second one? Third one? Fourth one?

CFU: 10/15/2013, page 1 of 2, Peggy's_IPG completed for presentation

I will be asking for students to answer questions, provide input and actually demonstrate using contents from the bin to monitor and check for understanding and provide feedback. (Technology: handouts and overhead projector)

Independent Practice: The last page in the packet will have four questions that the students will need to utilize the processes that we have discussed to solve the problems using the contents of the bins provided.

6. Materials / Resources Decimal diagram Sheets with problems Play money Number cards (to include cards that have a dot on them to represent a decimal) Plastic bin 7. Grouping Patterns Whole group, Individual 8. Ending, Summary / Reflection (Technology: overhead projector) Who can tell me what we worked on today? What was our objective that we needed to learn today? Why is this important for us to know? What were some of the examples that we mentioned you would use decimals? What will you tell your family that you learned in math today? We will continue to utilize what we have learned today in tomorrows lesson where we will learn to order and compare. Please put all of the worksheets in your math folder to use tomorrow. 9. Technology Use of overhead projector, power point slide presentation, and poster board.

10/15/2013, page 2 of 2, Peggy's_IPG completed for presentation

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